
What your social media photos actually say about you

Photo: Envato

A lot of private life is revealed on social networks. Here's what's behind the different types of photos you see and post on social media. Namely, photos can say a lot more about you than you might think.

If you have a digital device, you are probably "addicted" to social networks. You probably spend countless hours on your phone revealing things about yourself by commenting, liking, posting photos. And these very actions can reveal a lot about you – a lot more than you think.

For example, the way you use your account on different social networks may reveal some of yours personality traits and yours current state of mind.

We are not suggesting that if you use social media that you suffer from these personality traits, it is primarily a potential warning of how you may be perceived by the outside world.

1. Share your crush

We believe that you are happy and that you want to share it with the world, but many such photos prove that you have a strong relationship with your partner. You are telling the world that you are not alone, but that you are loved and valued. If there are many such pictures, it may indicate that you have a hidden need to prove yourself to your ex-partner and friends.

2. Group photos

If most of the photos in your profile are for fun or you have different group photos, it may seem like you want to say that you are something special in this group and you are flattered by it. Make yourself feel important.

Photo: Julian Gentilezza/Unsplash

3. Photos of children

There are two options for such photos. If you share your childhood photo and put it as your profile picture, it means that you are tired of adult life and all the responsibilities that come with it. Subconsciously you want to return to childhood. Another possibility is that you, as a mother, are proud of this achievement in your life.

4. Photos with animals

If someone puts a picture of a wild animal behind their profile picture, they're trying to be bold and strong, which they probably aren't. As a rule, women post photos of cute animals. Such images indicate sentimentality, but also a little immaturity.

5. Pictures of nature

If your profile is rich with landscape photos, it can indicate that you are satisfied and happy in life. On the other hand, it can also indicate fatigue from the daily pace and the need for privacy and thinking about nature.

6. Glamorous appearance

Such photos reveal a need for narcissistic support and emotional satisfaction, especially in the form of many likes. If this is indeed the reason for posting, consider alternative ways of gaining confidence that do not depend on the virtual world.

7. Photos from travels

For some people, posting such photos means they want to stand out with their social status. As for others, it can be material evidence of the reality of the journey and the feelings they experienced. It can also be a confirmation that you have come to a place that millions of people have visited before you, and for you it means an achievement.

8. Lots of selfies

In the last few years, self-portraits have become firmly anchored in our lives, because there is not a moment in the day when someone does not record one. Whether it's selfies in a mirror, an elevator, or in other popular places, the abundance of such photos indicates a need for recognition and approval from others. Many see this as an indication of self-centeredness, vanity, and a tendency toward narcissism. When it comes to sexy selfies that include accentuated body shapes, their message is quite bold, as they communicate that you are free and ready for absolutely anything.


9. Luxury things

Photos of you posing on a yacht, next to an expensive car, or enjoying other luxuries say a lot about what you want to show. Such photos are a way to show everyone your success, be it real or imagined. With this, you want to emphasize a certain social status.


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10. Food photography

It's not about food bloggers, it's about taking pictures of food in expensive restaurants to prove that you need social validation and self-promotion. This is especially true if it is someone whose current condition they believe requires such proof.

11. Various sporting feats

Jumping with a parachute or climbing a mountain means showing courage, strength and endurance. Still, extreme photos like the one from the top of a skyscraper hide and show that you crave to be noticed.

Photo: Kal Visuals-Unsplash

12. Official photographs

If you have a lot of announcements in your work and formal environment, your professional life, the realization of plans and a very ambitious future are extremely important to you. It is important for you to show this status of yours to as many people as possible.


13. Pictures without filters

These photos show that the people who post them perceive themselves as they are. The same goes for a person who hasn't changed their profile picture in years. This shows stability of attitudes, moral maturity and lack of need to show off to society in order to receive praise in return. Such people use networks to communicate with friends and live life to the fullest.

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