
When a woman stops fighting, it means you are no longer worth fighting for

When does a woman really give up?

Read the note written by Selma June for the herway.net portal.

A few days ago, I sat down with my friends and asked them what they find most annoying about women. I didn't mean the things that would cause them to end a relationship - I was talking about the things that annoy them about the women they like and are in a relationship with.

And they all agreed on one thing - they can't stand overly caring women. That's what they call women, reminding them of their shortcomings and their bad deeds.

Before we get into matters, let's get one thing straight: I know the love history of each of these men, and I know exactly which exes they're talking about.

They are not talking about possessive jealous women. They don't talk about the women they saw as no good for them, or the women who constantly caused them pain. These are women who tried their best to make them better men. Women who invested their time, energy and nerves into these men who never deserved them.

These were women who fought for their men. Women who, in one way or another, have done everything in their power to make their relationships work.

Let's make one thing clear: none of these relationships were idyllic. There were many arguments, but one thing was certain: each of these women loved this man, my friend, with all their hearts. But each of these stories had a similar outcome. Sooner or later the women got tired. They left them, moved away and never came back. The men were hurt when they realized what they had lost, but now everyone pretends it isn't true.

These were women who fought for their men.

Actually, this is a pretty typical scenario. A man meets a woman. They fall in love, but as soon as she sees that he has gotten under her skin, he shows her his true colors. He begins to take her for granted and thinks there is nothing he could do to make her give up on him. He is so sure that the woman will stay by his side that he does not even try to keep her by his side.

At the same time, this woman is fighting for this relationship. Do your best to make things work. Forgive him all the actions, the difficult moments that he has to go through because of him. Why? Because she loves him and because she sees something in him - she sees hope that one day this man will be happy with her. This story can go on for years. She moves mountains for him, while he is not willing to lift a finger for her. And then after all these other chances, she realizes that he's not worth her time, never was, and never will be.

She realizes that she wasted all those years of her life on a man who would never give her what she needed, while she did everything she could. He realizes that it was all in vain.

The woman finally sees the truth and breaks this one-sided relationship. Yes, she's tried before, but this time is different.

This time it's not an empty threat. This time he gives up on him, realizing that he is no longer worth fighting for. She doesn't argue anymore, she doesn't raise her voice, she doesn't give ultimatums, she doesn't ask... Only her silence remained.

This is the time when a man realizes that he has reached the point of no return. She left him. She won't be coming back. And that's exactly what happened to most of my friends. So if you find yourself in this and you are like this, be different and change your destiny in time.

If you have a woman who fights with you, it means that she still has the strength in her to fight for you. That means you should consider yourself lucky, because the day she stops trying, you'll wish all the fighting and criticism would come back.

You will want her love back.

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