
When are the right years for motherhood - scientists have the answer!

These are the right years for motherhood!

When are the right years for motherhood? Does science have an opinion on this? Raising a child is a precious and wonderful journey that can bring both happiness and joy as well as challenges and worries, regardless of our age. Is there such a thing as a 'right time' for women to become mothers? Well, new research says yes!

The average age of women who become mothers rises. And it's not just a matter of 'fashion'. Women in their 30s and 40s feel much more secure, are more likely to be in a relationship and already have a career, and at the same time are more determined. New research has thus shown that they are the 'right years' to get pregnant after 35. year.

Historically, pregnancy after the age of 35 has been considered risky. A science discovers new pluses associated with late pregnancy. Even before that, it was proven that pregnancy after the age of 35 prolongs lifestudy, carried out at the University of Southern California in the USA, revealed that childbirth after the age of 35 improves the mental capacity of the mother.


How did they come to this conclusion?

The researchers performed several tests on 830 menopausal women. Participating women were tested in the areas of planning, visual perception, verbal memory, concentration and attention. They found that women who had their first child after the age of 24 did better on tests where they solved problems and on tests that touched on verbal skills. Women who had their last child after age 35 did better on tests of verbal memory and cognition.

What is the reason that the mother's mental abilities improve?

This is related to the surge of hormones - estrogen and progesterone - during pregnancy, which have been found to have a positive effect on brain chemistry and brain function, especially if the last pregnancy is later in life.


Deciding when to have a baby is never easy and every pregnancy, early or late, has its pros and cons. It is important to consult your doctor first. This is the only way our pregnancy will be healthy.

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