
When everyday objects become living characters

You yourself have probably seen faces, people or animals in everyday things. Human imagination knows no bounds, and if we know how to observe the world around us, we quickly realize that pearls are everywhere, not just under the surface and in jewelry stores. In order to find them, you don't need to wield a pickaxe, just remove the blindfold from your eyes and your world will open up to you. See the world of Gilbert Legrand below.

In addition to his imagination, this French artist also used his own artistic streak and expressed what he sees clearly through his eyes ordinary objects, which can otherwise be found in almost every household. The result is playful characters, and although inanimate, full of life. Legrand gave them not only a new meaning, but also a life, thus supplementing theirs dry steam CV (read the declaration). The brush thus became the bandaged fox, the doorknob Inspector Gadget or better, the suspicious merchant, the antique pipe the girl with pigtails, the brush the Indian chief, the pair of scissors kissing, etc.

If you look at the things around you like this, you will never be truly alone.

READ MORE: Amazing paper decorations

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