
When is the right time for the fateful "yes"? Are these the most suitable years?

When are the right years to get married?

Sociologists and relationship counselors reveal which years are best for marriage and at the same time "guarantee" that you have less chance of getting divorced one day! Are there any years when it's the right time to say your fateful "I do"?

Sociological study Knot Yet, which researches marriages, has come to the conclusion that those who marry young tend to be those with less education and less financial security. At the same time, for you pare applies, that they are more religious than those who decide to marry later in life. It is also interesting to note that those who married in their mid-twenties are happier, as opposed to those who married in their teens. At the same time, these couples are also happier than those who marry in their late twenties or early thirties.

Many of us are prone to belief, that couples who marry younger have greater chances of divorce. Many studies confirm that this is actually true. Namely, the later you enter into a marriage, the less likely you are to divorce one day. The main reasons for this are emotional maturity and life experiences. Of course you are no two relationships are the same and there is no one-size-fits-all formula for success, but just as some relationships fail after a few years, so can marriage.


It is interesting to note the results of another study that clearly linked delaying marriage with a woman's material status and career. An important component of this stories are education, as women who marry later tend to be more educated than those who marry very young. And although there are no rules that say that a woman will earn less if she marries very young, it is undoubtedly more likely that a woman who chooses to marry later is financially more secure, more mature and in a "package" with many more life opportunities. experiences.


If you belong to the group of young women who are already thinking about marriage, it is important to keep a few things in mind. It is important that your family stands by you and that you do not jeopardize your education because of marriage. You also need to be absolutely sure that your partner supports your goals, both short-term and long-term. It is not very pleasant to discover at the age of 25 that he wants children as soon as possible, but he knows that you want to focus on your career and you are very ambitious. And last but not least, remember that the wedding is just a wonderful beginning.

Always note: the best time for marriage is when you feel comfortable and confident in your work and personal life!

But if you're looking for an exact number—many family therapists point out that it's different for men and women—the ideal age for a woman is said to be 28 years. At 28, "brides" show self-confidence and trust in choosing a spouse, because they have had time to successfully research, they know what they want from a relationship and what they want from a career. For men, however, this age is slightly higher and, according to experts, it is 32 years.

At the end of the day, what matters most is how you feel! This is your life, for which there are no written manuals.

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