
When do you know your partner is ready for marriage?

When do you know your partner is ready for marriage?

It is true that the perception of partner relationships is no longer the same as it was a few decades ago, but it still seems that in modern society, marriage is still understood as the highest instance of a relationship. We all have to get married and if we don't, there is something wrong with our love in the eyes of most. All well and good, but perhaps it would be prudent to first consider whether the person is even ready to take this step. When do you even know that your partner is ready for marriage?

There are two realities. If you live with your "feet on the ground", you realize that the probability that he will get engaged to you and you will get married is 50:50. If you live in a romantic comedy with a happy ending, then you are sure that they will get engaged and that he will buy you the most beautiful ring. He will ask you in public if you will be his, you will gasp a fatal yes and lived happily ever after.

By having a dreamy attitude towards love, there is nothing wrong, but you should realize that marriage is not only synonymous with dreamy photos that we post on Instagram or a ring that we flaunt around, it is a confirmation of honesty and harmonious bond. The two united individuals now form an even stronger whole that must go through good and evil, so it is important that the man (and also the woman) is ready to take responsibility for a more serious relationship. And when do you know, that your partner is ripe for marriage?

When do you know your partner is ready for marriage?
When do you know your partner is ready for marriage?

They make decisions together.

Remember when you started dating - your sweetheart didn't just go on and on about his plans, because maybe he didn't even have any, he just enjoyed the moment and waited for what tomorrow would bring.

A man who is thinking about committing is already creating plans for the future and talk about them with you and your families. With this approach, he confirms that you have an important role in his life.

100 % accepted each other.

It is recommended that you live together for a while, because this is the only way you will know how you really behave in all situations.

When you find out that your loved one agrees with everything you would like to do in life or he accepts it, and no one will suffer because of it, it is a sign that he is ripe for marriage. It is about the fact that he is ready to tolerate you, your decisions and your view of the world (and, of course, yours) in different periods of life.

Peer pressure.

You might not like the information that he's going to marry you because all his friends have gotten married, but societal pressure plays an important role in men's decisions, even if they do not admit it. And it's good that you know that too.

Every man is aware that he can remain the only 'single' in society. Life changes a lot when he finds out that all his friends are married, only he is in a "non-serious relationship". Life becomes different when he realizes that his colleagues no longer have time for all the nonsense. And then quickly all the ideas about it wedding at the end of the world, they fall silent.

What is important to a woman when choosing a husband?
What is important to a woman when choosing a husband?

There are many other important indicators that your partner is ready to breathe a fatal yes, such as love, respect, trust... but in addition, it is also important to ask yourself what YOU you expect from your future husband.

Expectations vary among women, of course, but sociologist Christine B. Whelan does did the research, in which women said it was the least important to them financial stability future husband, followed by concern for health, ambition and sociability. The most important thing for them is the awareness that they can rely on their partner get carried away, that he is mature and emotionally stable.

If you still don't know what kind of fate awaits you, we advise you to - a little for fun, a little for real - save quiz, which will give you the answer to who you will marry and what yours will be future husband! 🙂

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