
When Leica decides to make headphones, this is what happens

Leica 0.95 Collection: The Silver Edition

Leica is mainly known for making slightly unusual cameras. This time, however, the German company is raising spirits by launching a collection in which the camera is accompanied by headphones.

Leica collaborated with the company in the design of the new headphones Master & Dynamic. A collection was created Leica 0.95: The Silver Edition, as part of which two models of headphones will be released MW60s and MH50s and headphones ME05s.

The collection was inspired by the design of the camera Leica Noctilux-M 50 f/0.95 ASPH, which convinces with its elegant silver casing. At Master & Dinamic, they believe that the silver color perfectly matches the style they are known for at Leica. That's why they were ready to replace the original black color of the headphones with a more seductive shade, and added to it black leather.

The combination combines the best technology in photography and sound. Headphones they offer exceptional sound quality while they are earphones special mainly because they have replaceable silicon plugs, which fit perfectly in the ear even during movement.

Gallery: Leica 0.95: The Silver Edition

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