
When the game of love ends, there is no winner

Photo: Envato

This is not a game of chess in which one usually loses. This is not chess - checkmate. And game over. There are emotions. Pain. Tears. Disappointment.

When a relationship fails, it may be because it has been fizzling out for a while. Or the feelings of one of the partners have cooled.

Maybe something happened that you can't or your partner can't get over. Perhaps vanities and pride are bigger than your hearts, and they cannot find the strength to forgive.

Maybe you've been waiting for a reason to break up because you've been tired and unhappy in the relationship for a long time, or your partner has been waiting for it. It's easier to wait for someone to make a mistake and blame them for the failure of the relationship.

In all these cases, a game is being played. A game of ego, selfishness, pride. But there is no winner in this game. They are both losers.

When a relationship ends for any reason, it is a breakup, an end, and a loss. Something that will no longer be in your life.

The one who ended the relationship did not win. He lost, as did one who still wondered if he could have done anything differently and felt the weight of guilt, regret, and pain from the breakup.

Sometimes we don't understand - why... Photo: Stefan Spassov / Unsplah

It doesn't matter if the relationship was toxic, what didn't work in it and you argued with your eyes, because when there is a loss, you always think only of what was good, what connected you. And what gave you a sense of belonging and closeness, and what you lost.

Even if you wanted to continue life without a partner, or if you believe you deserve something better. It's about feelings you don't want to process, you want to bury them. But a loss is still a loss. You are not a winner but a loser. Your pride, your ego, your selfishness is a loss.

Your heart must overcome this loss. Let him.

If you don't allow him to do this, you will strengthen the rule of ego, pride and selfishness. You'll tell yourself you're a winner. You will go ahead and consider yourself a winner. You will miss out, all the important lessons.

There is no winner in love... Photo: Yuris Alhumaydy

Pain and regret. Love. Forgiveness. Understanding why something is the way it is and how it could be different.

Love may be a game, but it's not a competition, and it certainly doesn't end in victory.

When a relationship is over, painful questions remain – was it love at all?

You need to ask yourself the following question because the answer to it is crucial to your future love life. What do you need to change to achieve a stable relationship?

Only then will you know that the concept of winning and losing has nothing to do with love.

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