
When the right person is by your side, all doubts disappear!

Photo: Becca Tapert/Unsplash

Do you ever feel like you have to become what you think your partner wants? That you have to adapt to fit into his life? Have you had to wear a mask too many times and change the way you speak, the way you think, the way you express yourself because you wanted your partner to perceive you in a certain way? This is not true love.

True love is the one where you don't need to change or think twice before you speak or do something.

The best love is the love where you feel at home. Where you are not worried about what you say and how you act. And, don't be afraid that you might say something that will make them feel bad or that they will leave you because of it.

You've been with the wrong people a few times and you're insecure. You think everyone will leave you because they have so many other options. You feel like no matter what you do, you will never be enough.

When you're with the right person, you won't feel the need to change of who you are. You won't need to pretend to be someone else to get their attention. They won't care if you're too loud or too quiet. They won't care if you are a CEO or an unemployed person. They won't care about your style or your hair color.

You just know! Photo: Kumar Chandugade / Unsplash

They will accept who you are! They will accept you with all your quirks and imperfections.

When the right person is by your side, you won't be afraid of them leaving. They won't make you feel like you have to constantly conform and look flawless and play the role they've written for you in the chapter of your life together.

With the right person you will forget all the games and tricks, because they will always find ways to appease you. But you'll be too busy enjoying yourself with them to think about anything else.

When someone makes you feel anxious, you are operating from a state of lack and you will never open up to someone you don't fully trust. But when someone loves you for who you are, without any conditions, you operate from a state of fulfillment.

Then you are calm and you don't worry if they will disappoint you or hurt you, because they give you a different kind of satisfaction, one that you have never felt before.

And then you realize that you have never felt seen, heard or loved. The love of the right person will erase all the doubts you had about yourself and about love.

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