
When the star of the night becomes the "star" of an advertising campaign

How would you feel if you saw yourself on a jumbo poster the morning after a night of too much alcohol? You have been warned! In Japan, the dazed stars of the night became the disgraced 'stars' of an ad campaign.

Japan. The land of the rising sun, culinary delights and unique street style, the land where the most advanced technology is developed and society is caught between tradition and the future. But it is also the land of workaholics who drown their stress in nearby bars after days in the office. Drinking after work has escalated to such an extent that more and more people end their binge drinking on the weekend by getting drunk in the middle of the streets, bars, subways...

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Although honor and respect mean a lot in Japan, Japanese people surprisingly do not find drunkenness to be a problem at all, and in order to draw attention to this phenomenon, the agencies Ogilvy & Mather and Geometry Global for a client, one of the largest Japanese bars Yaocho, took matters into their creative hands and turned the drunks sleeping on the streets into the 'stars' of jumbo posters: they surrounded them with a white frame and a label #NOMISUGI (too drunk in Japanese) and thus invited passers-by to take pictures of them and share them on social networks.

With the 'threat' that every lost 'last night's star' can become the next morning the disgraced star of an advertising campaign or the target of ridicule and public shame on social networks, triggered an excellent response from the public and achieved the desired goal: they drew attention to the health dangers of unacceptable behavior, which is becoming more and more acceptable. Tourists are also more aware of the need to be careful when drinking sake.

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