
When you're in a hurry: 4 hairstyles you can do with WET hair

Hairstyles that are perfect for hot sea nights - these are 4 quick hairstyles that you can do with wet hair.

Even if you are not at the sea, you do not enjoy sea waves, sun, sand and salt, it is certainly hot enough in your hometown to you have wet hair all the time. Hell's heat knows no bounds this year, so it's not unusual for it to hit you, too experimenting with hair waited for cooler weather, autumn times.
Even if you melt like ice cream, cook "100 per hour" and would prefer to shave "to zero", clearly, this kind of venture is too invasive, so it's safer if you you think of hairstyles with wet hair, which will look modern, you will make them quickly, and they will not disturb you during the day.

4 hairstyles you can do with wet hair:

Slicked ponytail

In just a few strokes with a comb (and a quality elastic) you will create a ponytail that you can wear in daily or evening editions. With wet hair, you will "manage" it easier, because unruly strands that would otherwise escape with dry hair, stood in their place.
ADVICE: It is recommended that you wear a low-slicked ponytail, which you must not tighten too much, because this type of hairstyle can damage your hair - it causes baldness, especially on the sides of the head, near the forehead.

A licked fig

Similar to the ponytail, you can achieve the same effect with a braid. You can choose between disheveled fig, which is more suitable for daytime outings, while the neat fig is ordered for the evening.
ADVICE: It is desirable that the figure is low, because (similar to the ponytail) it can happen that the elastic tightens the hair too much, which can lead to hair breakage, which should then cause hair loss.

Slicked down hair

If some stars were able to wear such hairstyles on the red carpet, why not try them in a relaxed, home environment. You can hardly go wrong with a haircut like this because it takes away from you little time, it is modern, but it's not harmful to hair. ADVICE: It is only important that before combing your hair, you lubricate it with some product to make combing easier, because rough combing can lead to damage. If the hair won't stand still, you can fix it with sponge cake.

A braid

Lightly braid while your hair is wet. When they start to dry, you will reach beach look, and the next day you will have it already done, wavy hairstyle.
ADVICE: It is important that the bun is tied loosely, otherwise it may happen that (as with other types of hairstyles) the hair is damaged due to the tightening of the strands.

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