
When you're with the right person, love feels this way!

When do you know you are with the right person!

Love isn't roses and knees-shaking kisses. They are not adoring views that never end. True love is not at all what society or popular culture tells us. There is much, much more!

The fairy tale about love is not true. It's just a fantasy. The story. A dream. A romantic movie. This is not love. When you fall in love with the right person, it won't be bittersweet. The first kiss will not play music. There will be no signs that read "and then they lived happily ever after", because true love is not a fairy tale.

It is much more. It's a mountain climb. Survival in a blizzard. Growth when they are apart and when they find their way back to each other. It is an uphill battle that tests your strength and tests your love. It is a storm that floods again and again. Arguments that make you doubt yourself and him or her. These are tears and lightning. The rain that never stops. It's damn hard. It's bloody painful. It's damn demanding.

Because when you find the right person, it will still require a lot of work, compromises and your time, hers, his - yours. It doesn't matter how compatible you are. It doesn't matter how strong the bond is between you. Still, love will be a difficult climb at times.

Love will be a difficult climb at times.

The thing about love is that while you climb and fight your way through hurricanes and storms, there will be laughter along the way. Flowers will sprout from the floods in which you drowned. You will watch this person through different struggles and you will stay with them. Because true love fights through bad things. It is a struggle even through ugly and dark situations. Fight the toughest monsters and demons.

When you find the right person, no matter how hard the fights are or how stressful your life is, you will always find your way back to them. It may take days or weeks to deal with them. Maybe months to be able to laugh with them again. When the right person is with you, you will do anything to keep them. You will know that all the fights and storms are worth it. Because you know how much easier it is to fight and win battles when they are side by side.

When you fall in love with the right person, you will grow together and individually. There will be you and there will be them. And there will be two of you. You will get through the dark nights and wake up stronger the next day. Stronger in your love.

When you are finally with the right person, no battle will ever be too much. No fight will ever be too hard. Because when you finally fall in love with the right person, you will do anything to fall in love again and again.

And you will always win the fights. Together. And you will always know that the dark times will make the good times stronger and more beautiful. And you will know that you would never want to fight with anyone else but together with him, her - for the rest of your life.

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