
When you can't decide between what your heart wants and what your mind says, read this write-up

"Follow your heart, but take your brain with you!" - A. Adler

Ever since you were little, you were told how to direct your life, who to follow - your mind or your heart. You've been told to follow your gut, to trust your instincts and to put logic aside and pursue the life that was created for your soul.

They directed you to movies and books in which the characters lived without inspiration, but only until they put reason aside and began to pursue only their passion. You grew up thinking that you should always just follow your feelings. With the idea that you have to trust yourself no matter what. You have learned to listen to your fear as much as you listen to your desires. You have come to believe that love is a chemical reaction and not a commitment, a commitment. You only saw the beauty of routine and stability.

But when the moment comes when your heart is saying one thing and your mind is saying something else, you realize that you don't really know what to do. You are confused. All the advice you received no longer makes any sense. They don't work.

You don't know how to decide

They didn't tell you that you can't rely on your heart alone or your mind alone. That you must use them in tandem. To conduct and dance between them. That it is a time to feel and a time to think. A time to be logical and a time to be spontaneous. A time to be grounded and a time to rise.

If you're hesitating and don't know how to decide between what your heart wants and what your mind is telling you, you should honestly ask yourself:"What would lead me to the best possible result in my life?" You need to understand what your long-term vision for your life is and then make decisions that support that.

Sometimes you are in love and you refuse to accept defeat or admit futility. Sometimes your heart says you should keep trying and sometimes your mind says it's not working. Sometimes your thoughts are so filled with fear that you want to correct them in any way you can with logic, with practice, with observing what your life really is versus what it could be.

Your feelings tell you where you want to go, your thoughts tell you how to get there

Your feelings can tell you what you want, your thoughts must tell you how to get it.

If you're stuck in a bad relationship because you think it's your soulmate, you need to ask yourself: "Is this really the way to love your soulmate?" The answer will be no. Your heart is actually trying to guide you to true love and your mind is trying to tell you how.

If you are exhausted from working non-stop, feeling sick and uninspired, your heart may be telling you that you need a rest. Although your thoughts still encourage you that you must not rest, that you must go forward to our dreams. You need to ask yourself:"Is this really the way to success?" Burnout is definitely not. You have to allow yourself to rest, because if your goal is to take your life to a higher level, you won't get there if you feel bad.

There is a time for everything in your life. It's time to listen to your heart and your head. It's time to follow your inner wisdom and listen to the teachings of others, those who have experiences and insights you can't yet fathom.

Not all decisions you make are "right" or "wrong", they just give you different results. If you don't know where you want to go, you won't know what to choose.

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