
When you meet the right person, you will realize how easy it all can be!

"With the right person, you don't need words to trust yourself." - Horst W. Geissler

When you finally meet the right person, you have a kind of unknown trust in them. You just look at her and you already know that they are destined for each other. In the past, you only knew a kind of blurred relationships and confusion. Games and mixed signals. But suddenly it all disappears.

When you meet the right person, you feel certain. Well, no only in yourself and in your judgement, but also in them and in what they do, so that you feel loved and safe with them. In the past, you felt like you were walking on eggs all the time. You were cautious, you were afraid that the first wrong step would end the relationship, or that the person would leave you because of a small mistake. Suddenly it seems that you don't need to worry about it anymore because this person accepts you in all forms.

When you finally meet the right person, you realize that home was never a place, but a state of mind. This is the person who gave you a reason to stay. She is your home. In the past, these words, places, events were reminiscent of regret, but now this person has changed everything and transformed all these places and words into something beautiful.

When you meet the right person, you feel certain.
When you meet the right person, you feel certain.

When you meet the right person, you suddenly realize that you are no longer living in the past. You don't let her haunt you, but rather look forward to the future. You see a calmness in the other's eyes that you have never known before. In the past, you took relationships day by day, with the fear that they could end at any moment. Suddenly, this person shows you what a real partnership should be like.

When you finally meet the right person, they will introduce you to their family and friends. She wants them to know who is the person who shook the ground under her feet and with whom they fell in love. Suddenly, this person shows you what it means to see a future with someone.

When you finally meet the right person, you'll have someone by your side who cares about you as much as you care about them. In the past, you looked for someone in the hope that you would meet a person who would reciprocate your feelings in the same way.

Suddenly, this person is an example of everything you've ever wanted, dreamed of. He wants to be someone who loves you with all his heart. The one who gives you a reason to want to stay with him forever.

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