
Where to this weekend? #32

No, we're not going to complain about the weather this time, so let's find reasons to get out of the house, into the air, around the world, to a good concert, a great movie, a sports trip, a festival or under the stars this weekend.


Tasting chocolate sweets will be reason enough to leave home or work as quickly as possible this Friday. The Zotter chocolate factory in Riergersburg, Austria, between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. invites you to the chocolate factory for an exciting and sweet tasting, while at the same time we will definitely learn more about chocolate. Don't forget to buy a tablet to take with you, and then straight to this year's Schengenfest, which opens its doors already on Thursday, while the big music program starts on Friday. This year, the three-day festival in the idyllic Vinica near Kolpa will host bands such as Die Antwoord, HIM, 2Cellos, Morcheeba, Laibach and Bajaga.

If these names do not convince us and draw us more to the sea, there is also action in full swing. On our coast, Feedback will make the Izola Hangar dance with jazz, blues and rock, and David Morales will rule Byblos in Poreč.


It started in the middle of the week in a beautiful corner of Slovenia, in Tolmin Sajeta creative camp, which this year marks its 15th year and lasts from July 30 to August 3. The festival connects various creative practices and experiences, of which music occupies a central place. Creative souls will be able to socialize with a wide variety of musical genres or enjoy film, poetry, performances, dance and other creativity.

Sajeta creative camp
Sajeta creative camp

There will also be music and film in Ljubljana, as he is coming to Kino Šiška with soulful melodies Joss Stone, and it will be at Ljubljana Castle A movie under the stars immortalized Saturday night with the second pre-premiere of this year, namely The Two Faces of Januarjy by director Hossein Amini.


So we can use Saturday for something more casual, while Sunday brings a whole series of social events. On Pohorje, we can also join the cycling event this year, which will turn it upside down Bike Festival. For less experienced cyclists, the 28-kilometer long route will be ideal, while slightly more experienced riders can embark on a 48-kilometer route.

Lovers of photography can take the road towards Novi mesto, where LokalPatriot will be the center of the photography festival "fotopub". The organizers explain that the concept is quite simple. It's a relaxed festival of networking, fun and knowledge with lots of music and little money. Exhibitions, evening screenings, lectures, portfolio review and a rich accompanying program will mark the main square of Novi Sad.

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