
Where to this weekend? #38

It's great to see how things are evolving week by week. If September weekends are already full of experiences, what will October ones be like? However, there is no way to rush the time, the second weekend in September is just around the corner and it is good to see what the plan is, how to spend it...


On Friday, the focus may be on something other than that Open kitchen in good weather. The first one starts already on Thursday at the Museum platform SIXPO – social innovation fair, which will be interesting especially for those of us dealing with social entrepreneurship or crowdfunding. We continue to stay in Ljubljana, where various venues of the Ljubljana Puppet Theater begin 12. International Puppet Festival Lutke, which presents fresh, high-quality and diverse theater performances. Until September 16, the festival will be enriched by various exhibitions, side-festival activities, master workshops and street actions. After the culture session, let's go to music. While the mysterious comes to Kino Šiška with an irresistible and invigorating jungle sound the London collective Jungle, Club K4 enters the new season with the great Berlin DJ Troy Pierce and the pompous tandem Minilogue, behind which Sebastian Mullaert and Markus Henriksson proudly stand. It will also be electrified in the immediate vicinity of Slovenia, where it will enliven towns and autumn Electronic Beats Festival.


Just a stone's throw across the border with Italy, Villa Manin will take us on an artistic journey through more than 300 photographic works a photography exhibition by the versatile artist Emmanuel Radnitzky, also known under the pseudonym Man Ray. After viewing the exhibition, let's go to the Slovenian coast, where the 17th Slovenian Film Festival will close in the Portorož Auditorium with the award ceremony and the cast of Katalena. As part of this, a selection of the latest Slovenian films will be screened between September 10 and 14. And when one door closes, another one opens.


We can only take advantage of the visit on Sunday Children's bazaar, the largest fair for families at the Gospodarski raštavišče, where you and your children can join a variety of workshops, sports activities or take a walk around the Mini ZOO since September 11.

The last day of the week will also be the first for the international performing arts festival EX PONTO, which this year continues with the theme "New Bridges" and combines superb theater aesthetics, social and political current events, and persistently encourages festival co-production.
And where in the evening? The basketball final is here, may our favorite win.

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