
Where to this weekend? #44

We won't even be lying if we announce right now that the weekend will be a bit more sweaty, covered in chocolate and spiced with gourmet delicacies, and we'll also find time for a walk among the works of art and a hike along nostalgic paths, accompanied by good music.


The days fly like lightning and this Friday is a day to laugh! The international festival of laughter is returning to the Styrian capital "Hit stand-up" , which will last three days for the first time this year and host one of the best and most popular local, Serbian and Croatian comedians.

Let's not forget that in Ljubljana we can taste the culinary delights it has to offer for the last time this year Open kitchen. Since the first day of spring, every sunny Friday, she has prepared us with incredible dishes from all over the world, which we will prepare ourselves over the winter, if we have a bit of willpower, and thus wait until the next gourmet event faster.
It is appropriate for a Friday evening that it is colored by music. So we can escape to Vienna in the afternoon, which is as beautiful in autumn as in spring, when the parks are green, or in December, when everything glows with lights. It is in the Austrian capital that the night will be reserved for the performance of the great By Steven Patrick Morrissey, who, if we recall quickly, once performed for a short time in the British indie pop attraction The Smiths. If we stay at home, we suggest a daring concert by the collective The Machine, which is returning to the Celje Dance Forum. It's going to be bumpy, but make sure you're in shape the next morning…


It promises to be a marathon Saturday, but it will also be colorful, creative, chocolate-filled and birthday-filled. Where do we start? As for the form we warned you about. Not only Saturday, but also Sunday are reserved for the biggest running event in our country - Volkswagen 19th Ljubljana Marathon. While the youngest runners will run on the first day, on the last day of the week we will be alone with the runners and the older ones will fight against each other. So when the children have run away, we can walk with them and our friends past the colorful stalls in the ZRC SAZU Ljubljana, which will be the center of creative of the ARTish festival. On an autumn day, we will warm our eyes and heart with the brightly colored, unique works of art by up-and-coming creators, and then we will head to Pogačarjev trg, where Čokoljana, the great chocolate fair (http://citymagazine.si/dogodek/cokoljana), will provide a lively and sweet-toothed experience. -chocolate-fair-in-the-capital/). Finger licking!
And to top it all off, we have a big cake dance in the evening to celebrate the 3rd birthday of the Ljubljana club Cirkus. We will wish him all the best to the selected music of the tandem Noisy Freaks and JK Soul. Many years to come!


Are we in favor of keeping Sunday as a trip day? So this time we can go on the 17th March in the Traces of the Soča Front, a traditional march that will take place on both sides of the border. The opportunity to see the karst caves, enter the count's cave and visit two Slovenian foreign villages will be in the palm of your hand, and with your camera we will be able to immortalize the beautiful view of the Trieste Bay and the Julian Alps.
If we stay in Vienna from Friday's concert, we can still enjoy the live music John Legend concert or in the evening we simply drive to Graz, where the charming will perform James Blunt. A romantic end to the weekend. Oh, what more could you want?

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