
Where to go on a cheap holiday: 10 budget travel destinations in 2024

Photo: envato

Looking for affordable travel destinations that won't break the bank? You've come to the right place - these are the cheap holiday destinations of 2024!

Cheap holidays 2024: Travel is often associated with significant costs, so the destination suggestions are for pleasant travels all the more welcome. Travel enriches our lives, broadens our perspective and creates lasting memories. But in reality, our travel choices are often dictated by financial considerations. From resorts to airfare, every expense counts, so it's imperative to find one destinations, where we get more for our money.

Where to go on a cheap holiday in 2024?


Hungary, located in the heart of Europe, boasts a rich history, stunning architecture and vibrant culture. Budapest, the capital, is known for its thermal baths, grand palaces and charming streets. Many travelers rate Hungary as an affordable destination, also for the availability of affordable accommodation of good quality, as well as excellent cuisine for every budget and the beauty of the Danube.

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Photo: Unsplash/Florian van Duyn

South Korea

South Korea seamlessly combines tradition and modernity. From the busy streets Seoul to peaceful temples and picturesque landscapes, South Korea offers a variety of experiences. Affordable street food, efficient public transport and affordable accommodation also attract travelers who like to avoid unnecessary spending when travelling.

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Photo: Unsplash/Stephan Valentin


Mexico it's a treasure trove of cultural wonders, from ancient ruins to vibrant festivals. And with its diverse scenery, delicious street food and reasonably priced activities, it also offers great value for your money. You can choose from a wide range of accommodation, from those for just a few euros per night to those for several hundred.

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Photo: Unsplash/Alex Azabache


It is because of its lush landscape, rich history and lively cities Vietnam an attractive destination for budget travelers. From the magnificent Halong Bay to the bustling streets Hanoi, Vietnam offers plenty of experiences at affordable prices. And street food markets and affordable accommodation make it possible for travelers to travel comfortably, even if they are thousands of kilometers away from home.

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Photo: Unsplash/Jb

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, an island paradise, beckons with its tea plantations, ancient temples and pristine beaches. Due to affordable guesthouses, convenient transportation and various low-cost activities, Sri Lanka is also perfect for those looking for a fairly affordable vacation. Although prices have shot up in recent years, it still offers a wide range of affordable accommodation and restaurants.

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Photo: Unsplash/Oliver Sjostrom


With its stunning beaches, vibrant coral reefs and friendly locals, the Philippines is a budget-conscious traveller's paradise. Affordable accommodation, cheap local transport and plenty of street food all add up to a memorable and cost-effective travel experience.

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Photo: Unsplash/Jules Bassoleil


Egypt, home to ancient wonders such as the Pyramids and the Sphinx, offers a fascinating journey through history. Egypt is also an affordable vacation destination, as long as you don't think about luxury cruises on the Nile or five-star hotels next to the pyramids.

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Photo: Unsplash/Calin Stan


India, a land of contrasts and cultural diversity, beckons with its historical monuments, lively markets and spiritual retreats. Here you can find a range of affordable accommodation, cheap street food and low-cost transport options. This is why India may be the best choice for budget-conscious travelers.

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Photo: Unsplash/Raghu Nayyar

North Macedonia

North Macedonia with its charming towns and picturesque landscapes, it offers a budget-friendly escape in the heart of the Balkans. Its affordable accommodation, delicious local cuisine and cozy atmosphere make it an underrated gem for travelers on a budget.

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Photo: Unsplash/Stefzn


With its Silk Road and architectural wonders, Uzbekistan offers a unique and affordable travel experience in Central Asia. Affordable accommodations, low-cost transportation options, and the enchanting beauty of cities like Samarkand and Bukhara, make Uzbekistan a hidden gem for cost-conscious adventurers.

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Photo: Unsplash/Farhodjon Chinberdiev

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