
Where to go for the May Day holidays?

The first day of spring recently knocked on our doors. The May Day holidays are approaching us at the speed of light. Why not take advantage of the holidays for a pleasant vacation abroad? In the article, you can read where to go on May Day holidays: from distant to nearby places - and all of them are especially magical and interesting during this spring time.

Where to spend the May Day holidays:


Late spring appears in its true guise especially in the Middle East. At that time, apricot, almond and pistachio tree plantations are blooming in Uzbekistan, and bazaars are heaving under kilos of goodies and colorful goods. A visit to Bukhara, which hosts the silk and spice festival in the spring, is especially recommended.

Uzbekistan is the perfect choice for adventurers.
Uzbekistan is the perfect choice for adventurers.


Norway is especially beautiful in May. Cooler, refreshing temperatures offer welcome shelter from the fast-approaching heat waves. Amazing nature and neat, colorful cities are the right choice for all those with the mixed blood of a cultured person and a wanderer.

Norway offers a pleasant cold shelter.
Norway offers a pleasant cold shelter.


May is probably the best time to visit Morocco. The temperatures are tolerable, and the crowds of tourists are not yet that big. Morocco offers a good amount of exotic cultural flair while also being tailored to European visitors.

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Exotic Morocco
Exotic Morocco


There is no need to buy expensive plane tickets for an adventurous May Day holiday. You will also find a beautiful landscape and friendly people on the land of the former Yugoslavia, where we all look too often. Exploring Serbia is best done by car: simple, cheap and enhanced by excellent cuisine.

You don't have to drive very far for beautiful views.
You don't have to drive very far for beautiful views.

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