
Which astrological sign should you never, ever, date?

Any astrological sign can technically fall in love with any other astrological sign. But according to the compatibility of the zodiac, unfortunately, not all love relationships are written in the stars. Find out which astrological sign you really should never be in a relationship with.

Which astrological signs should not be in a relationship?

Aries and Cancer

Aries moves quickly and cements romance in an instant. What could be better than feeling the sparks and taking immediate action? But this doesn't exactly suit Cancer, as it takes time to establish trust. For them, romance is a work of art, and the essence lies in the details - attentive and thoughtful gestures and inside jokes are what build a relationship step by step. By the time Cancer feels comfortable enough, Aries will have already concluded that Cancer is not interested and will therefore move on.

Taurus and Aquarius

Taurus is stable and predictable, especially when it comes to love. For some it means romance and reliability, for others stagnation. Aquarians, the innovators and iconoclasts of the zodiac, doing the same thing all the time can be a recipe for boredom. They are excited by originality, and they need a person next to them who stimulates them both intellectually and artistically. For a bull, this can be a waste of energy. Once they find out what is best for them, they don't want to change it. But Aquarius is always in the mood to change things and put them in a different way.

Taurus and Aquarius will not get along well.
Taurus and Aquarius will not get along well.

Gemini and Scorpio

The limitless mind of a Gemini can lead to seemingly conflicting opinions, which can upset a Scorpio who always needs to know what his partner is up to. If the ground is constantly shifting beneath him, the Scorpio will not feel secure enough to invest his energy in a long-term relationship. Meanwhile, a Gemini feels best in a dynamic environment and needs to be accepted as it is.

Virgo and Libra

Virgo's shrewdness makes her one of the sharpest signs in the zodiac, and it stems from her untouchable realistic nature. They don't stick around with excuses: for them, life is bitterness that must be faced with humor and integrity. For some, this is refreshing, but not always romantic Libra. They are optimistic in love and in life and believe that everything is possible if we work together to achieve it. What inspires them is naive to a Virgo, which means that Libra sees Virgo as an old woman.

Libra can see Virgo as an old woman.
Libra can see Virgo as an old woman.

Capricorn and Sagittarius

If you could describe Capricorn in one word, it would be "professional". They are hardworking, ambitious and conservative (professionally speaking). This in no way means that they are tight-lipped, it just means that they are serious about what they want, which makes them incredibly romantic and reliable life partners. Sagittarius, on the other hand, gives off the vibes of a 'neglected' genius with a dash of the charming person with a beginner's luck. Who cares if he's late and arrives unkempt or buttoned incorrectly? He knows that he can charm just about anyone and that everyone will forgive him. Except Capricorn.

The lion and the fish

A sensitive fish is overflowing with karmic wisdom and empathy. Bold lions, on the other hand, are overflowing with self-love and loyalty to their crew and demand the same from their partner. The lion will come home and talk about how his co-worker took all the credit for an idea that was his, and the fish will also look at the other side of the story. And it's not that the fish doesn't want to take your side, the fish wants to take the side of every single person in the world.

Even a lion and a fish will find it difficult to find a common language.
Even a lion and a fish will find it difficult to find a common language.

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