
Which astrological signs will make the smartest moves in 2021?

"Actions are the only true measure of intelligence." - Napoleon Hill

The intelligent and those who make smart moves will not need luck in 2021. But there are astrological signs that will simply be lucky in 2021!


In 2021, your egoism will be put to the test - you must overcome it, otherwise you will pay (and suffer) for your stupidity. Put yourself first, but also take care of other people's feelings and needs, especially if they make you feel threatened. This will be your life test. Be smart and choose to let go of fear, even if you have to sacrifice your principles and beliefs, because that's the only way you can progress on all levels.


Your virtues are also your flaws, so you can be very smart, impulsive and unpredictable, because you can destroy something that you have been thinking and planning for a long time in an instant. You are focused on yourself, on your well-being and satisfaction. But some interactions will confuse you and leave you feeling hurt.


You are characterized by quick thinking and a unique way of gathering information. You are not only fun, but also practical. Once you see how something is done, you'll be able to do it yourself the next time. You have a good sense of humor and are very creative, you easily make friends with people you are interested in and from whom you have something to learn - and you do this actively.


Cancers will have more luck than smarts. This sign is considered the most labile in astrology. Cancers are hypersensitive and obsessed with their own feelings and states. They are able to imagine things that do not exist and get very upset about them. Their minds are simply not strong enough to overcome the torrents of feelings that change with the rhythm of the tides. But luck will accompany them, so they will be surrounded by people who will help them, support them, love them and be by their side through all their ups and downs.


You're not an astrological genius, but you can be more stubborn than a bull when you persist in proving you're right, even when you're wrong. You are highly motivated and always moving forward, but your own prejudices take you back. So by the end of next year, you'll be moving back and forth on the scale, from delusions to best intentions. Sometimes you will act maturely, sometimes childishly, but you will certainly be smart enough to learn from your mistakes.

A virgin

With a very curious mind, Virgo stands out from the rest because she is interested in different things, regardless of whether they are useful to her or not. The field of your knowledge is wide, and if there is a problem, you will find it. With your clear mind, you will connect the information you have and evaluate its validity. Your mind is kept fresh by your scientific approach to things. You don't act like you already know something, but you observe, investigate and experiment.


Your traits allow you to somehow avoid the question of intelligence. You are able to subtly manipulate, rely on your judgment and take advantage of the worst situations because your motives and goals are right. You are always fair and want everyone to do well. But if you're hurt, you'll channel your energy into revenge—in your own special way.


Scorpios are generally the smartest representatives of astrology, so their thoughts will also serve them in 2021. They will not miss anything and no one will be able to convince them that something is right and true if it is not. They will be motivated, involved and active in achieving their goals, and their unique perception will serve them without fail - people, circumstances, opportunities, they will read everything and take the appropriate position.


Highly intelligent Sagittarians will face their stupidity - or rather, dullness - in 2021 when it comes to close relationships and interactions. Your selfishness and self-centeredness will bring you new challenges to which you must respond in new ways. You don't always have to make decisions and take a stand. Let life happen and put your heart and soul into it.


Your precise and structured way of thinking is the framework into which you place magnified parts of the bigger picture so that you can predict your actions and their effectiveness. Don't do anything if you don't have a clear plan and want to engage your mind properly. You will do this very successfully, especially if you are in a position to improve something because others are too indecisive.


Aquarius is in second place for the effective use of intelligence until the end of 2021. You will have the opportunity to show all your skills and wisdom in sensitive situations. Your unique perspective on the world, open-mindedness and broad perspective will enable you to embrace new ideas and concepts that will help you in your personal development and the achievement of your own goals.


Your intelligence is primarily emotional and you are very creative, but you will have to struggle with your ideas, which can be fantastically impractical, that is, difficult to implement in practice. In 2021, you will have many opportunities to learn a lot from your own mistakes and use this knowledge.

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