
Which car brands are the best used cars 2024?

A guide to the reliable and smart purchase of a used vehicle

Photo: Lexus

Buying a used car can be a real lottery. However, with a little research, you can find a car that will serve you reliably for many years to come. Let's take a look at which car brands stand out in terms of reliability in used cars and which models are worth considering. So - which car brands are the best used cars?!

Vaz is interested in which ones car brands are the best used cars?! Buying a used car it requires a thoughtful approach. With so many brands and models on the market, it can be difficult to know which choice is the best. Consumer Reports points out that by choosing the right brands, you can significantly reduce the risk of unpleasant surprises on the road.

Japanese giants: Lexus, Toyota and Mazda

At the top of the list of reliable used cars are Lexus, Toyota and Mazda. Lexus leads with a score of 75, followed by Toyota with 72, and in third place is Mazda with a score of 59. Japanese manufacturers are known for their reluctance to introduce new technologies, which is reflected in the reliability of their cars over the years. Instead of drastic changes, they focus on incremental improvements to existing systems, leading to fewer problems and greater durability.

With its reliable hybrids and models like the Corolla and Camry, Toyota has become synonymous with durability. Lexus, Toyota's luxury arm, is known for quality craftsmanship and superior comfort, while Mazda combines a fun drive with longevity.

European options: BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo

Among European producers, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo placed in the upper part of the reliability scale. BMW with a score of 46, Mercedes-Benz with 43 and Volvo with 40 offer compelling options for those looking for reliable and prestigious cars. BMW and Mercedes-Benz are known for their prestige and high-end technology, which they have perfected over the years, which is why older models are often less prone to errors than new ones.

Volvo, with its philosophy of safety and durability, represents a solid choice for those who want a reliable and comfortable car. Its models, such as the XC series, are known for their robust construction and durability.

How did the Japanese build a reputation for reliability?

Japanese manufacturers have built their reputation for reliability by focusing on incremental improvement and avoiding unnecessary risks. Lexus and Toyota, for example, prefer to stick to proven technologies and proven solutions instead of introducing radical innovations every year. For many years, they have used the same components, such as the legendary digital clock on the dashboard. Mazda, however, adds its signature focus on driving dynamics without sacrificing quality and durability.

European Stars: What to expect?

European brands such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo take a slightly different approach. While they focus on luxury and performance, their models often feature advanced technologies that can be a little less reliable to begin with. However, over the years, once the issues are ironed out, they prove to be very durable. For example, older Mercedes-Benz models are known for their reliability and are popular among used luxury car enthusiasts.

Conclusion: How to find the right used car?

When looking for a used car, it's important to look beyond the make and focus on the specific model and its history. Lexus, Toyota and Mazda are great options for those who want worry-free ownership with minimal maintenance costs. European brands such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo offer attractive options for those who want more luxury and prestige, but with a bit more attention to maintenance.

The key is to do your thorough research, check the vehicle's history, and choose a model that fits your needs and lifestyle. With a thoughtful choice and proper maintenance, a used car can become your faithful companion on long journeys.

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