
Which colors to avoid in the bedroom: these colors create negative energy

Photo: envato

The bedroom is supposed to be a place where you feel calm, but you feel restless in it. Can't sleep? Check - maybe the colors create negative energy in it.

It is known that the colors in the bedroom can affect the mood, and consequently sleep.

Let's see which colors should be avoided in the bedroom if you want to rest in it and wake up full of energy.

black colour

The idea for a black bedroom is one of the boldest decorating choices that more and more people are choosing. Black can create an intimate environment, but experts warn that it is still not a good choice for the bedroom. In addition, if you use it in this part of the home - it can bring you problems.

Avoid black. Photo: Maddi Bazzocco/Unsplash

Black, regardless of the combination with other colors, brings heavy feelings into the bedroom and blocks positivity. It can also promote feelings of sadness, anger and fear and increase anxiety and depression.


Similar to black - brown shades are good to avoid when furnishing the bedroom. This color also promotes feelings of depression and anxiety, while making your space a bit dull and lifeless instead of calm, peaceful and comfortable.

Using any shade of brown in the bedroom can greatly increase the risk of developing long-term feelings of sadness or depression and will most likely lead to poorer sleep quality.


Ideas that promote the use of gray in bedrooms are very popular these days. And yet, experts warn that you should be extremely careful with gray. It can make your space too dark and block the positive energy in this part of the home.

Brown shades are also not ok. Photo: Mark Champs/Unsplash

Like black and brown, gray is also described as an unlucky color that should be kept away from bedrooms. Dark gray is particularly bad in this sense, as it can make your room closed and can be physically and emotionally draining in the long run.

Purple colour

The color purple is traditionally associated with wealth and prosperity, which means it's always a popular shade for the bedroom. Although purple represents royalty and opulence, it also corresponds to feelings of mourning and sadness.

An environment that is too purple can create negative vibrations in the room and prevent happiness from entering your dreams and everyday life.

White color

Most choose white for their bedroom. This can be wrong - experts warn - as the color white can also be associated with unhappiness and stagnation. White is the purest of all colors and represents purity, orderly life and freshness.

Believe it or not, white isn't ideal either. Photo: Shop Slo / Unsplash

White usually creates positivity throughout the house, but should be avoided in the bedroom. Strange as it may sound, the color white is especially problematic if you want to start a family, as it also represents infertility.

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