
Which underwear attracts the most bacteria?

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered why, despite washing regularly, your underwear sometimes isn't as fresh as you'd expect? Did you know that some types of underwear can actually attract and hold bacteria more than others?

Understanding how materials and style underwear affect hygiene, is key to maintaining health and well-being. How to choose suitable underwear?

So how do you choose the right underwear?

Hygiene underwear is an important but often overlooked aspect of personal hygiene. While many of us strive for good health, we can unknowingly make mistakes in choosing underwear that attracts and harbors bacteria, increasing the chances of infections and other health problems.

Types of underwear that are most susceptible to the accumulation of bacteria, why it is better to avoid them.

Panties. Photo: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

Bacteria and underwear

Every piece of clothing we wear, including underwear, can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Among the most common bacteria found on underwear are E. coli, staphylococci and fungi such as candida. These bacteria and fungi can come from our body or the environment and are transferred to the laundry through sweat, skin cells and other bodily secretions.


natural materials, such as cotton, offer the best breathability and moisture absorption. They allow the skin to breathe and absorb moisture, which helps prevent bacterial overgrowth.

Cotton is especially recommended for everyday wear, as it helps maintain dryness and reduces the chance of bacterial growth. However, even with natural materials, caution applies; too densely woven materials can limit breathability, so choosing underwear made from light, breathable material is key.

When it comes to choosing underwear, it is important to avoid materials that retain moisture and heat, as these conditions encourage the growth of bacteria.

Not every material is good. Photo: Elahe Rahimi / Pexels

synthetic materials, such as polyester, nylon and lycra are less breathable than natural materials and can cause moisture to be trapped against the skin. This not only creates an uncomfortable feeling of wetness, but also increases the risk of developing infections, including fungal infections.

Style and design

Choosing the right style of underwear is just as important as choosing the right material. Some styles like very tight thongs or synthetic models without breathability can contribute to poor hygiene and an increased risk of bacterial infections. Tight underwear can cause chafing and moisture, creating an ideal environment for bacteria and fungus to grow.

It is recommended for better health and comfort choose underwear with a relaxed cut, which allows the skin to breathe and reduces moisture retention. Styles with wide belts and made from natural materials such as cotton are a great choice for everyday wear.

In addition, it is important to adapt the style of underwear to ours daily activities; for example, sports underwear designed to wick away moisture is ideal for exercise.

Washing and care

Proper care of your underwear is key to preventing the build-up of bacteria. It should be washed after each use using hot water and a detergent that removes bacteria. This not only removes bacteria, but also prevents the formation of unpleasant odors.

What model are you wearing? Photo: Tiffany Christie Freeman / Pexels

Air drying is better than using a dryer. High temperatures can damage some materials or reduce their ability to absorb moisture. In addition to regular washing, underwear is recommended change at least once a day, even more often on hot days or during intense physical activities. It is also important renew regularly a stock of underwear to avoid wearing underwear that has become thin, stretched or worn, as such underwear does not provide adequate support or hygiene.

By following these simple guidelines, we can improve our health and well-being.

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