
White bathing suit and yellow traces of cream and chlorine?! The solution to restoring whiteness!

Stain-free summer: Simple steps to keep your white swimwear free of yellow stains

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Photo: envato elements

Yellow traces of cream and chlorine? A white bathing suit is an eyesore until it gets stained by sunscreen and pool chlorine. How to clean them and keep them sparkling white? Here are proven tips to help you solve this fashion dilemma.

Yellow traces of cream and chlorine?! Have you ever gotten out of the pool and noticed that your white swimsuit has turned yellow? This is a problem that many pool and sunbathing enthusiasts face. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent and remove these unwanted stains and restore your swimsuit to its original condition.

Preventing stains on white swimwear

In order to prevent staining, it is important to follow some basic rules. Take a shower and remove excess sunscreen before entering the pool. Choose creams that do not contain oils and dyes, as these are less likely to cause blemishes​​. You can also use products that are specifically designed to protect fabrics from chlorine.

Photo: envato elements

Cleaning and care of white swimwear

If your swimsuit has already become discolored, do not despair. Follow these steps for effective cleaning:

  1. Immediate rinsing: Rinse the swimsuit in cold water immediately after use to remove chlorine and sunscreen. This prevents the chemicals from being absorbed into the fabric.
  2. Soaking in a vinegar solution: Soak the swimsuit in a mixture of cold water and white vinegar (1:1) for 30 minutes. Vinegar acts as a natural bleach and helps remove stains.
  3. Using a mild detergent: Use a mild detergent without bleach and wash the swimwear by hand. Machine washing can damage the fabric and cause additional color problems​​.
  4. Whitening with lemon juice: For additional whitening, you can soak the swimsuit in a mixture of water and lemon juice. Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent that helps remove yellow stains.
  5. Air drying: Dry the swimwear in the air, away from direct sunlight, as UV rays can further fade the colors​​.
Photo: envato elements

Alternative methods for removing stains

If the above steps do not help, you can also try the following methods:

  • Soaking in milk: Some swear by soaking a white bathing suit in milk to help remove stubborn yellow stains.
  • bicarbonate of soda: Mix baking soda with water to make a paste and apply it on the stains. Leave on for a few hours, then rinse.
  • Special cleaning products: Use special stain removal products available at home improvement stores.


White swimsuits are a great summer piece, but they require special care to maintain their sparkling whiteness. With proper care and the use of natural cleaning products, you can prevent and eliminate yellow spots caused by sunscreen and chlorine. With these tips, you can continue to enjoy your white swimsuit no matter how much time you spend by the pool.

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