
When he doesn't love you back...

Photo: envato

If someone doesn't love you back, they're not meant for you. Seems simple, right? But when the heart is involved - logic and reason no longer matter.

At one point, your future was set on the person you thought would become your future. But the very next moment you were trying to piece together the pieces of the past. It was all over before it even started.

When something ends or when love is not reciprocated, it is best for you to leave, because feelings, love are no longer what brought you together some time ago.

When love leaves, it's not a time to prove to someone that you deserve their love. This is the moment you need to step back.

Then you have to realize that you deserve someone who will choose you every moment - without hesitation or doubt.

When you find a love that doesn't choose you, it's not a love that lasts. True love doesn't end just because things got complicated and challenging.

Your life will be complicated and challenging even if you find the right person, but the difference is in those complexities! Will you have someone by your side who will be with you during these times, or someone who will leave you because they were not ready for new challenges.

Accept yourself and the world around you. Photo: Yoann Bboyer / Unsplash

Everything doesn't always go as planned. And not every person is right for you, because many times in life you will do wrong things and mess up, but that will not shake the right person.

Remember that when someone no longer chooses you, that's the moment you have to choose yourself.

You cannot escape who you are; but you can learn to love yourself. No matter who leaves, the love you have for yourself is not attached to a person, because it is dangerous to love only others.

So when love leaves, there is someone else who will never leave. Someone who will be with you no matter what. You.

Of course, the thought of falling in love again will fill you with dread. It may take some time to get over it. But one day you will realize that it was just a chapter that ended.

When you make love again, you might look back and close this chapter forever. Everything happened with a purpose.

If you only looked at a broken heart as someone who brings you closer to your goal, you might be able to close a chapter faster and move on to a new one.

Maybe pain and love are more connected than you realize. You may need one to realize the value of the other.

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