
Who in the horoscope wears the heart on the palm of their hand, who hides behind the mask?

Some people hide behind a mask, others wear their heart in the palm of their hand. What about you?

How sensitive are you based on your astrological sign?


The sign ruled by dreamy Neptune is one of the most emotional and intelligent signs of astrology. They are sensitive, self-sacrificing and tirelessly help people in need, sometimes neglecting their own desires and needs. They are running away from reality.


They are bold, brave, competitive. They know how to bring everything to the goal, because they do not know how to be half-hearted. They are very organized, disciplined. Their competitive nature can turn many people off, especially people they don't know. Because when things don't go their way, they can be selfish, just to enforce their will.


No one appreciates the finer things in life more than they do. They are an emotional sign. They enjoy pampering, good food and are materialistic. They carefully plan each step forward because they have to be sure that new things will not destroy what they have already achieved. They don't take risks, preferring to stick to old habits.

Taurus is an emotional sign.
Taurus is an emotional sign.


They are constantly hungry for new challenges, curious and intellectual. They like tangible explanations. They are sensitive to new emotions, they get excited quickly, but the next moment their elation passes. They have to be constantly on the move so they don't miss anything.


They don't let you fool them with your behavior. They have hard shell, but inside they are hypersensitive and worried. They like to change moods. The feeling that others need them is important to them, sometimes they manipulate emotions to get your attention.


Theirs his big heart, generosity and love of laughter make him a warm person. They are not the most sensitive, but they rarely hide their feelings. They are very protective. Passionate and fighting. They love to be the center of attention, to be adored by people. To be satisfied, they need to feel special and unique. They need praise and a sense of acceptance to feel safe.

Leos are not the most sensitive, but they rarely hide their feelings.
Leos are not the most sensitive, but they rarely hide their feelings.

A virgin

Although in general they are practical and logical, because of their perfectionism, they can go overboard with details. They obsessively insist on small things and harshly criticize others, although they can also be overly critical of themselves. Many times they are awake at night and relive unpleasant moments that others have forgotten about them a long time ago.


When they witness injustice, they are calm, but they scream to themselves. Inequality and oppression affect them more than others. They constantly face evaluation because they are quite unbalanced, skillfully masking their feelings of helplessness, chaos and confusion.


They are excellent judges of character and easily feel the motives of other people. They know when it's time to let someone out of their life. They trust their intuition, which will alert them to the wrong people at the right moment. They do not like pretense and contrivance, which they will show. They are passionate and intense, they cannot stand a lie.

Scorpios are passionate and intense, they cannot stand a lie.
Scorpios are passionate and intense, they cannot stand a lie.


For them, life is a journey, so, if you need someone to travel to the end of the world with - a shooter is the right choice. He is curious and spontaneous. Open to change and new experiences, which means he doesn't usually take drama, emotions or events too seriously. They are good at heart and love to help others.


They are thoughtful and disciplined. They rely on logical reasoning and rarely give in to emotions. They are reasonable and pragmatic. Don't pretend in front of them, when they see someone playing with them, they will distance themselves from him and want nothing to do with him anymore. They often struggle with the demons within.


They have a reputation for being distant and insensitive, but usually just need a little more time to bond before being emotionally intimate. It is important to build their trust, but you should not push them. He is not emotional and does not know how to express emotions, it is very difficult to connect. Do not try to change them. They live by their own rules. If you want to change them, they will forever hold it against you.

Aquarians have a reputation for being distant and insensitive, but they usually just need a little more time to bond before they're emotionally intimate.
Aquarians have a reputation for being distant and insensitive, but they usually just need a little more time to bond before they're emotionally intimate.

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