
WhoSampled: The new Shazam that all music lovers will love

Are you wondering what tunes your favorite song is made of?

Over the years, Shazam has established itself as one of the most popular music apps in the world. Of course not, when he solved the problem that many were struggling with. An application that perfectly complements Shazam is now coming to the market.

With the help of Shazam, no song you hear will be forgotten. However, this app is not all-powerful. To find out, from which song comes the melody you hear in the new song, she won't be able to help you. That's why the website is here whosampled.com or application WhoSampled.

When you bring the phone closer to the speaker, you will WhoSampled trusted which tunes the song currently playing is made up of. Unfortunately, the application available for smartphones with operating systems Android and iOS, is not free.

Are you wondering what tunes your favorite song is made of?
Are you wondering what tunes your favorite song is made of?

Many feel that the service it offers is completely unnecessary. But surely there will be many people who will want to know information on the instrumental basis of a new hit, and will thus come to their own account.

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