
Why cats prefer women (and vice versa)

Photo: Sam Lion / Pexels

Cats show emotions in a very subtle way. And in one thing they never lie - in showing affection to the person who cares for them. Female.

Of course, many men are also cat lovers, but the love between cats and women is more common and mutual. Cats are more likely (regardless of gender) to trust women, and women are more likely to choose cats as pets.

Let's see why cats tend to prefer women.

In Journal of Behavioral Processes have studied this phenomenon and found some reasons for this mutual attachment.

Women have a more pleasant voice frequency

Cats are very sensitive to sounds. They are also very communicative and often "talk" very loudly and distinctly. They respond to voice and communication. Women tend to be more communicative and address them and talk to them. At the same time, a woman's voice is softer and more pleasant to the ear, to which cats (as well as children) respond better.

A gentle touch

A woman's hand is what cats appreciate. Her touch is gentler and more soothing than the one they feel from a larger man's palm.

Maternal instincts

Women are born with a natural instinct to care for and nurture their children and are likely to do the same with cats. The most important need of any pet is feeding, which is most likely done by a woman for a cat.

They adore each other. Photo: Milada Vigerova / Unsplash

She is the person who feeds her and consequently the one who will gain her affection. A woman's ability to care and love a cat in such a motherly way will remind the cat of her cat mother, so she will show the woman even more love.

They have similar personality traits

Just like women, cats like to be clean and tidy, which is why cats and women have many similar personality traits. A cat will choose a human owner based on the parallels and skills it understands and needs.

Women are more committed

And this is the most important reason - women have a strong emotional interaction with the world around them, cultivate deep attachment relationships, observe well and are empathetic. Cats recognize this and react. They reciprocate their love, as any cat owner will confirm without hesitation.

And the more attention a cat receives from a person, the more likely it is to love back. The more love and attention you give your cat, the stronger the bond and intensity of your connection.

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