You may not even realize that you can find quite a few traits of your ex in your current partner. Don't believe it? Think about it? It holds, right?
Is there a biological reason why you fall in love with a certain type of person?
Did you know that we all emit our own special smell? Like hormones, pheromones are chemicals, but the difference is that they are outside the body and are retained in our sweat and other body fluids. Science suggests that this is a subconscious factor in your initial attraction to someone.
Your nose may sniff out a different genetic profile, but that doesn't stop us from being attracted to like-minded people. And it's not just about personality traits - you're likely to be attracted to someone who shares similar values and beliefs as you.
Reasons why you might fall in love with someone!
1. Physical and biological instincts
It's hormones. Beneath the surface, everyone has different hormonal scenarios at any given moment. Hormones affect how you smell to others, how you experience pleasure, as well as your level of sexual arousal. Brain chemicals make you feel good (dopamine), happy (serotonin) and a little crazy with love (norepinephrine). They can promote attachment and receptivity.
2. Psychological factors
One's own psychology plays a big role in regulating arousal and attraction. Who and how they loved you or themselves while growing up affects the mentioned phenomenon. You often gravitate towards those who are similar to you or those closest to you – in appearance and sometimes in personality.
For example, if your mother was more involved with a sibling, you may be drawn to people who are less emotionally available. Look for what you know or what helps you solve unfinished psychological work.
How you see yourself is often a measure of who you are attracted to and why. A certain amount of love is blind and to be expected at the beginning of any new relationship, but living in a fantasy for too long can leave you susceptible to toxic patterns.
3. Social boosters
Humans are social and relational creatures. We live best when we are connected to others. In different groups - family, friends, culture, profession and religion - there are generally ascribed values that the group upholds. When looking for a partner, they often prioritize traits that align with their values.