
Why do you have to wash an avocado before opening it?

Avocado definitely marked this year's culinary season. We found it in sandwiches, cakes, smoothies, ice creams, pastas and elsewhere. When using it, we never paid attention to one very important thing - washing. Do you always wash it before opening it? If not, it is recommended that you start.

There is a lot of avocado popular vegetable in our kitchens, but probably no one paid attention to it, that we must also wash it before use. It sounds self-evident, but many people think that because of it the hard crust does not need to be washed.

Although it is avocado skin very hard, to protect his interior, this one is too a breeding ground for many harmful bacteria, such as listeria and salmonella, they note in the report US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Just like you wash another fruits and vegetables before use, would it was wise to wash the avocado as well!

You should also wash avocados!
You should also wash avocados!

Sampling that comprised 1615 avocados, it started in 2014. After examination and analysis, they found that the salmonella and listeria present in the rind of this fruit. 17 % avocado peels were positive for Listeria. V interior but there were fruits just three avocados out of 1254 positive for listeria. When testing avocados for salmonella, they found that it was only one percent almost positive for this bacteria (12 out of 1,615).

Although this number is small, from the US Food and Drug Administration they advise washing the skin of an avocado thoroughly before eating it, as cutting can transfer bacteria to the vegetable. They recommend washing your hands for 20 seconds before cutting and then wash the avocado with water.

Wash your hands and then wash the avocado.
Wash your hands and then wash the avocado.

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