
Why everyone should travel alone at least once in their life

To most of us, going on a trip all alone, single, just sounds terribly scary. All the alarms immediately go off in our heads: "What if something happens to me? What if I get lost? Alone among strangers, I will surely be lonely!'' But if we want to find ourselves, we have to get lost sometimes. Read why each of us should travel alone at least once in our lives.

Traveling alone makes you much more confident.

They travel all by themselves only the most confident people and those who want to become one. Once you make the decision to venture into a completely foreign world all by yourself and then sit alone on a plane or train without wifi, which would allow you to contact everything familiar and familiar, you are thrown into the water and have only two choices: yes drown or to learn to swim. Of course, sooner or later we all miscarry, and with a trip like this, from our own comfort zone we step not only mentally, but also physically, which later, when we return to "reality", is familiar to us in all areas of life.

READ MORE: 5 ways to travel the world for free

On a "solo" trip, you become much more open to people, experiences and acceptance of differences.

Once you learn to approach people without problems, you also learn that there are not only billions of people in the world, but also billions of different stories, experiences and thoughts that differ from your own. At the same time, you learn that no one is right or wrong and that it is our diversity that enriches and makes life more beautiful. If you travel alone, you know that when meeting new people open ears and eyes are not enough, but also an open head, an open heart and a lot of curiosity.

Traveling alone makes you more confident.
Traveling alone makes you more confident.

If you travel alone, you learn to be relaxed among strangers and quickly make contacts.

If you are alone in a foreign country, you have to approach strangers almost immediately: if nothing else, to ask for directions to a hostel or a museum. Of course, humans are social creatures, and if we have enough courage to look up from our phones, we quickly notice that there are people around us who are otherwise strangers, but after all, just people like us. If we travel alone, we learn to approach strangers completely relaxed - without reservations and limited thoughts as they are "What will he think of me!?" (Because no one will think anything but that you are confident, brave and admirable, if you are able to walk around the world alone and relaxed.)

You get to know yourself much better and once you decide to change only based on your needs.

Solo travel has a great advantage: you never have to adapt to anyone but yourself. That's why it's not no waiting for others in front of toilets, shops, which repel you at first sight and uninteresting museums. Since you are alone, only your wishes and needs are on the list of priorities, which you can fulfill whenever and however you want, and the fact that you get to know yourself much better is also a big plus. It's up to you, yes you clarify what your priorities are, what suits you and what you just don't want to do.

If you travel alone, you learn once and for all to trust both your intuition and the world.

If we travel alone, we have no choice but to listen to ourselves. The most important thing is to trust our inner voice or intuition, which always tells us what is right and what is not. If we feel lost, so be it intuition our compass, which we can always trust. Moreover, with time and practice, this repeatedly suppressed inner voice becomes much louder. An important lesson in solo travel is also that they are the people at 99% are really nice and want us well – no matter how cruel the world sometimes seems.

If you travel alone, you learn to trust your intuition.
If you travel alone, you learn to trust your intuition.

You start to enjoy your company.

Probably the biggest thing that solo travel can do is to start enjoying your own company. Nothing is permanent in life, and the least permanent are the people we think are "ours" and will always be by our side. Events, people, jobs, cities, countries, eras...right everything comes and goes, the only common denominator to all of it is only ourselves. Therefore, we must realize that if we really "have" someone in this life, then we only have ourselves, and if we love each other, then we know that being alone does not mean we are also lonely.

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