
Why do men cheat?

Photo: Trinity Kubassek / Pexels

Ask yourself - why do men cheat? The answer lies, among other things, in the psychology of the male soul, and of course evolution, which is often to blame for many things we do on an unconscious level. But this is one of the main questions that most cheated people ask themselves. Both men and women! So why do men actually cheat? We did the research!

The eternal question why men cheat has a multifaceted answer, which of course can vary greatly from individual to individual. Reasons for cheating they can be completely personal, they can be cultural, or they can be the result of evolution and chemical processes in the human body.

Be careful: from active to passive deception - this is how men cheat!

So, if falling in love is the same as a disease - that is, an irresistible force that bring lovers together in the final reproductive process -, cheating may only be trigger, which in some men acts as an addiction to adrenaline and chemistry, which is triggered by falling in love. Are certain men just prone to cheating? They just can't prevent it? Is evolution forcing them to do this?!

In too many studies, many scientists have asked participants the question, why they actually cheat and what is the underlying reason for infidelity. So – why do men cheat? And they got these pretty varied responses from the male gender.

The most common answers to why men cheat!

  • Every man wants to have sex with other women. And when an opportunity arises, take it.
  • A man's biological imperative is to have sex with as many women as possible. Why should I behave differently?
  • If I had enough (or better) sex at home, I wouldn't need to cheat.
  • I don't do anything that most of my friends don't do. If you don't believe me, ask them.
  • If my wife hadn't put on so much weight—or if she'd been nicer or more attentive to me—I wouldn't have even considered going anywhere else.
  • If my job wasn't so stressful, I wouldn't need to release the "valves" in this way.

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Why do men cheat? This is a difficult question to answer. The reasons vary from person to person, and it is far from "only about sex". People often think that the main reason people cheat is related to sexual needs, she said in a recent study relationship expert Laney Zukerman. Although sex plays an important role in life, most fence-jumps often start as an emotional affair because of attention addiction and because of the tendency to get bored in a long-term relationship.

With such women, men most often cheat on their partners

According to the American Institute for Social Research about 20 percent of men cheat and 13 percent of women. Why do men cheat? Well, men are more prone to casual and opportunistic cheating, which plays a major role in why they are easier to get caught. Men are often caught doing this. For many men, infidelity is a sign of recklessness. And above all irrational, instinctive thinking. For women, however, cheating is part of a more deliberate plan. The potential consequences of recklessness are many times worse than for men.

And speaking of cheating on men, of course we are interested in what men like. Tall curvy women, petite cute girls or older ladies? In a survey of extramarital affairs (cheating) website Victoria Milan, they find that many other factors are important besides looks.

41 % men said they cheated with a curvy woman, 35.2 % percent liked slimmer girls, and 30.4 % liked fit ladies. 70 % men claimed that looks were more important than intelligence, so only a third considered this component as well.

Men are not always the only ones to blame for cheating ... It often happens that women, with their behavior, push men to places where they would not otherwise go. Cheating is not a solution, the solution is an honest and open conversation, but if we can't come to that in any way, it's best to go our separate ways.

A man who doesn't deserve you: These things are common to men who cheat

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