
Why do men look after other women?

Photo: envato

A beautiful woman walks past you and your partner looks behind her. Even if you are standing right next to him. Why do men look after other women and what does this mean for your relationship?

It's not a nice feeling when your partner looks at other women. But if you're being honest with yourself, you've probably looked at other men too, right? Paying attention to attractive people is completely normal. But when does this become a problem?

Does every man look after other women?

Yes, most men do – but when is it too much? Every man has the right to one or two reflex seconds, after all, even women sometimes look at a handsome man. But when is too much?

why men look after another woman

In evolutionary terms, this male behavior could be explained by the fact that men need to immediately register and recognize an invitation to flirt, which usually comes from a woman through a look, smile or body language, in order to respond.

However, as a sign of respect, you are expected not to raise your neck when you are with your partner. But there are also couples who draw impulses for their sex life from such situations and deal with sexual attraction in this way. But this is not a general rule, so men of darkness should not seek justification for their actions.

Photo: envato

How to react if your partner is looking at other women?

First, observe the situation. Was it the view? Or can you already see in his eyes that he would like to follow her to her bed? If your partner's behavior bothers you, it's important to talk to them about it. Maybe he doesn't realize how much those looks hurt you. Also notice how often he looks at other women. If he does this all the time, he's definitely crossed the line.

If you have had experiences with such a partner in the past, your current partner's behavior may stir up old feelings and increase your jealousy. So make it clear to him and set boundaries so that he understands why you react to his look the way you do. And at best, he won't do it again.

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