
Why does our productivity drop in the summer?

What are the causes of the drop in productivity in the summer?

Almost every company experiences a drop in productivity in the summer when the temperatures rise. We will explain why this is so below, as well as how to deal with the situation in the workplace. One reason for the drop is that nearly 51 percent of employees take more time for lunch than usual. And how to eliminate such productivity drains? Flexible working hours, telecommuting or a culinary treat at work.

No matter what business I'm dealing with, it's hard to avoid the drop in productivity of its employees during the summer. Why productivity drops so drastically during the hottest days of the year, and whether there is anything we can do to prevent this slide, will be discussed below.

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In the summer, the productivity of companies drops on average by 20 percent. The decline is attributable to the following factors. The time we spend increases by 13 percent to complete the assigned task, 45 percent of employees are not 100 percent on task and are much more distracted than usual, and by 18 percent the presence at the workplace. And how else do employees behave, apart from the fact that their minds regularly wander elsewhere?

Do you also find yourself staring out the office window in the summer and longing for the sea.
Do you also find yourself staring out the office window in the summer and longing for the sea.

63 percent of them socialize more with colleagues, 51 percent takes more time for lunch, and only two percent less a few times a week leaves work earlier than usual. Productivity is also strongly influenced by the working temperature. She is ideal between 21 and 22 degrees Celsius, and everything above or below reduces it. When mercury ascends above 30 degrees, it even drops by 10 percent. Some companies, in order to reduce the drop in productivity, offer these "summer fridays", which allow employees to leave their workplace earlier than usual on Friday, but therefore have to work less hours make up on Monday or Tuesday. Does this work? According to research, no. The only thing that really works is remote work. And some more advice for companies. Plan employees' vacations in advance, be flexible (the possibility of employees working remotely) and give employees more time for breaks. Offer them snacks and refreshments. Order ice cream, pizza, etc. to the office, and reward those (cash prize, gift certificate,...) who reach the set norm. See below for more tips and causes of productivity decline infographics.

The causes of the summer productivity drop in companies and how to prevent it.
The causes of the summer productivity drop in companies and how to prevent it.

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