
Why do people persist in bad partnerships?

Photo: envato

It often happens that couples stay together even though they are very unhappy in the relationship. Eventually, they got used to the circumstances that befell them and decided to stay in the relationship.

There are several possible explanations, but one of them is the inability to interrupt because they do not think it is necessary, and sometimes not even appropriate.

Often guided by the idea that being in any relationship is better than being single, a large number of couples stay in bad relationships because of the fear of loneliness.

But there are more factors that make it difficult for people to get out of a relationship and prefer to stay in it.

Divorce is too expensive

Some divorcing couples plan for the expenses that lie ahead when they decide to take the final step in the divorce process. They begin to calculate and think whether it is profitable to get out of the relationship. If their answer is yes, then they are trying to divorce. But if they judge that they are at a loss, they realize that it is better and wiser to stay in the relationship and endure the problems, just to maintain material stability and security.


Quite simply, they realize that it is cheaper to stay married than to start living separately.

Children should not suffer

This is an understandable concern, but it is often not clear whether this is really what is best for children. Because of this, children often observe their parents' conflicts every day and find that they are in an unhealthy relationship that does more harm than good to both children and parents. Sometimes it also happens that they witness physical violence between their parents, which negatively affects their growth and development.

Relationships and marriages without emotion and satisfaction are an unhealthy environment, both for the people directly involved in them, as well as for the children or other people who accompany them and share moments with them. Some couples sometimes use children as an excuse to stay in a relationship and in this way try to hide the real problems and reasons for staying and breaking up.

It's not that bad here

Many believe that in order to break up, you have to experience extreme situations in which breaking up is the only solution. And if they aren't, then it seems wiser to stay in the relationship, because they don't see a clear reason why they should break up.


Sometimes behind this is a real need to resolve the relationship, which makes sense if there really isn't a big, unsolvable problem. However, sometimes it's about accepting things and situations around them in such a way that they don't even strive for better. We are not bad by no means should be a description of the state of your relationship.

It is humiliating and difficult to accept failure

These are pretty common reasons why couples stay together. Couples who are surrounded by friends and family who are successful in their relationships need to live up to their expectations, as well as their own, by showing maturity and the ability to maintain the relationship and the marriage.

Therefore, one of their biggest failures in life is the breakup of a relationship, which from their point of view shows that they are not capable of having healthy and normal relationships. For some, it is very important to keep the breakup a secret, because they are afraid of the reactions of those close to them, which will change the image they had about them.


No relationship is perfect

You will often hear this very statement, as this is how they will try to justify everything that is bad about the relationship or marriage that needs to end. They attribute failures to others, because it is easier to accept if it is already happening to everyone. This is precisely why some couples remain in bad relationships, because none of them seem perfect and good.

On the other hand, theirs is nowhere near what fulfills them, but as long as they know that others have the same problems, they comfort themselves and remain convinced that it is inevitable for everyone.

There are various reasons why couples stay together despite feeling bad and unfulfilled. The only hope is that some of them realize they have a problem and decide to seek help. We advise others that if they really see no reason to stay together, understand that breaking up is completely acceptable and normal.

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