
Why do some people store toilet paper in the fridge?

Photo: envato

Have you heard of the trend of people storing toilet paper right in the fridge?

According to the online networks, he rounded off the trend, whereby put the toilet paper in the fridge. Sound unusual? True, but there is a good explanation behind it.

Moisture in the refrigerator contributes to the formation of mold and the development of an unpleasant smell. Toilet paper absorbs excess moisture, including unpleasant odors. Some have been using it for years, but this trend has only taken over TikTok in recent months.

Photo: envato

And how does toilet paper work? Does it even work?

Up to a point already. Toilet paper absorbs odors, but there are a number of alternatives that may work better for you. It is only a temporary solution, but it can take up a lot of space. So if you want something longer lasting, maybe baking soda is still your best bet. This trick caught on in the 1970s, when the manufacturer Arm & Hammer promoted it as an environmentally friendly alternative to dry cleaning. Baking soda neutralizes acids, but be careful, because the substance absorbs odors, you should never use it for baking afterwards.

You can also use black cumin oil to neutralize odors in the refrigerator, which removes unpleasant odors. Drop the essential oil into a spoonful of detergent and clean the surfaces in the refrigerator with the mixture. After two hours, wash off the 'serum' and get rid of unpleasant odors in this way.

Activated charcoal also perfectly absorbs all unpleasant odors, just like toilet paper, but takes up much less space. You can get it in the form of filters, cloth or powder. It works by collecting volatile compounds emitted by smelly objects and reducing unpleasant odors. But be careful, change the charcoal in the refrigerator every month, otherwise the desired effect will no longer be there.

For those who prefer a more pleasant smell, there is also a special sweet recommendation. Soak a cotton ball in vanilla extract and place it in the refrigerator. This will make your fridge smell like vanilla, which will whet your appetite even more.

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