
Why do today's 30-year-olds look younger than they used to?

If you want to find out what the world was like in the past, flip through your grandmother's or parents' family photo album. Habits that your loved ones once had will seem ridiculous to you. Their 'antique' look is especially amusing. And you will surely find it strange that your mother or grandmother looked very old when she entered her thirties. Today's 30-year-old women could easily subtract 10 years. Why is that?

The perception of youth and age is a relative thing. And if we take into account science, our youth ends at the age of 35, when we enter the 'middle Ages'. And if we do something then stupidity, which is not suitable for our years, se we can't talk about youth anymore.

If you're 30, then you are scientifically proven while still young, quite often, especially in women, also proves their external appearance. The 30-year-old could easily be confused with some younger girls. Because we are interested in this phenomenon, we explored more about the mystery of the years, to understand why modern women are so different from women of the past.

A different understanding of age.

The zeitgeist brought many stereotypes, after which women also ruled. It was once thought to be a woman of these years is already old or her youth has ended. But there are stereotypes changed – they are today 30s are the new 20s! Women are less burdened with numbers, which has a positive effect on their look and feel.

Greater freedom of choice.

Women have more freedom of choice.
Women have more freedom of choice.

In the past, they are women wore darker clothes, that's why they looked very old fashioned. The choice of textiles was very limited. Today's 30-year-old women wear brighter and more colorful clothes. There is also a selection in stores very rich. And different styles help women maintain a fresh and youthful appearance.

Stable income.

Modern 30-year-old women know a lot about skin care and cosmetics, which have a positive effect on their appearance. Most modern women have stable income, which means they can pay for the treatments themselves, with which they care about appearance.

Changed attitude towards make-up.

Women have a changed attitude towards make-up.
Women have a changed attitude towards make-up.

It wasn't in the past beauty and fashion bloggers who would advise how to make up your face. The selection of cosmetics was also very good limited. But in recent years, the situation has changed changed dramatically. The choice of makeup is very rich, but at the same time our attitude towards cosmetics. Women wear make-up every day, even if they have no particular reason. Makeup, on the other hand, contributes to a more youthful appearance.

Plastic surgery is more widespread.

Our mothers or grandmothers are in the past could not afford beauty corrections so easily. Today it can be found almost everywhere surgeons, whose intervention prices are accessible. And many women to him too they swear.

Women are more confident.

Women are more confident.
Women are more confident.

Stereotypes have a very big impact on people's lives. In the past, women were more devoted to the family, which means that few women have created a career and followed their goals. And in the past it was also much less business opportunities for women. Today's 30-year-olds are educated and have a career, which has a positive effect on their self-confidence.

Women know how to stand up for themselves.

Society used to be dictated, that we must to respect the opinions of others even when we do not agree with them. Women had to be special respectful of elders and follow their suggestions. Today, these stereotypes are changing, and we know that age does not mean wisdom either. Women have become more critical, i.e. they began to respect themselves and their decisions more.

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