
Why is uncertainty a sign of intelligence and how to use it in a positive way?

Photo: imdb

Uncertainty is a feeling that, unfortunately, is familiar to everyone. We meet him at new work challenges, at the beginning of a partnership and sometimes even in friendship. It's not easy for anyone to doubt themselves, but experts say that doubts can be a sign of intelligence. And not only that - you can also use them in a positive way. We asked how to do this and why it is sometimes good to be unsure of our actions.

It is completely normal for you to have them feelings of insecurity still too well known. We live in a world in which we are constantly surrounded by various news, which they often turn out to be far from the truth. Also modern way of life encourages productivity, at which mistakes they are just not allowed and when we finally relax by spending time on social networks, there we meet photos and lives that look so big better than ours.
That's why it's important that you are you take a few moments and you look at your worries from as far as possible realistic angle. You should be aware that perfection just is not available and that making mistakes is something entirely human. And not only that, mistakes are also necessary in life you are progressing. That's why it's imperative that you take action despite your doubts challenges, which can enable you to achieve yours goals and a dream.

It's important to take on challenges despite uncertainty Photo: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

Why can uncertainty be a sign of intelligence?

A certain level of uncertainty can be a sign intelligence, because it indicates ability critical thinking. Allows us to before your conduct let's think carefully, let's evaluate all the possible ones conclusions and find out how to behave best performed. Also, precisely because of the initial uncertainty, we will look at the situation from different angles and did not go into it headlong.
Uncertainty is often also a sign emotional intelligence: when alone we are aware, how is it when we feel doubts, it will also be easier for you to stand in position of others and them helped, to face them.

Your own insecurities can help you better understand others Photo: Mental Health America / Pexels

How to use uncertainty in a positive way?

Of course, feelings of insecurity can be harmful. They can prevent us from being set for themselves or take on a challenge that could make us extraordinary made me happy and fulfilled. That's why it's important to know how to use them on positive way.
But how to do that? According to experts, the first step is to realize that honey feelings and the facts there is a big one the difference. The easiest way to do this is to remember how much various thoughts follows you on a daily basis. Among them, by no means all turn out to be correct findings, but for fruits uncertainties, nervousness and fear of the unknown.
Therefore, it is necessary to feel insecurity recognize and instead of allowing it to affect you negatively, you ask yourself where it could come from came out. If you feel that for the task v you are not fit enough for the job or that he is a partner lost interest for you, that's what it usually exists for reason, which is hiding in your the subconscious. Someone let you know by their behavior that you are not good enough? Is your insecurity in the relationship the result scams from the past? Sooner than you will your past resolved, the sooner you can functioned without constant anxiety.
Then it is imperative that you deal with the situation as soon as possible practical. This means that the work challenge is good study it and think realistically, would you be able to tackle it - remember that perfection it should not and cannot be your goal. If you feel that your partner does not answer as often as usual, think about what you could be the cause for that. It is more recently employed at work, meets with worries... there are possible reasons huge and it is by no means best to immediately think of the worst.
That way you will feelings of insecurity made it known that life just can't do it for you tailor and faced challenges more healthy way.

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