
Why do we celebrate Mother's Day?

On March 25, we celebrate Mother's Day all over the world. However, have you ever wondered where the celebration of Mother's Day actually originated? In the following, we reveal to you all the interesting things in connection with Mother's Day - an informal holiday dedicated to all mothers.

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Mother's Day is an informal holiday that is celebrated on March 25 in honor of all mothers. The celebration of Mother's Day originates from the USA, where it has been celebrated since long ago in 1910. The custom came to Europe after the First World War, but May 15 was initially set for the celebration.

Mother's Day - the origin

There would be no Mother's Day without Anne Marie Jarvis, who organized a gathering in memory of her mother on May 12, 1907. A year later, she started advocating that the second Sunday in May be officially dedicated to all mothers. She sprinkled 500 white carnations in front of the local church and expressed her wish in letters she sent to the biggest officials of the time. Her wish was granted - May 8, 1914 is the date when the American Congress officially approved the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day.

Mother's Day with us

On our soil, the celebration of Mother's Day appeared after the First World War. At first it was celebrated like in the USA, on May 15, after which the celebration was moved to March 25. In Slovenia, after World War II, Mother's Day was generally not celebrated due to the celebration of Women's Day on March 8, but today it is again in force and is celebrated on the same day as the Annunciation.

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