
Why don't we allow ourselves to cry and why should we change that?

Photo: Envato

No one likes to cry, especially in front of others. Often, crying makes individuals feel vulnerable, broken, or weak. But when it comes to crying, you shouldn't be ashamed. In fact, crying is actually good for your health, which is why some people advocate that we should cry more often.

Crying can improve your mood

Have you ever noticed that after you've had a good cry, you feel a lot better? There is a reason for this. When we cry, the body actually let's relieve ourselves countless toxins and hormones that contribute to elevated levels stress. This, in turn, can help individuals sleep better, boost the immune system, and avoid weight gain. By reducing stress levels, crying can also help lower blood pressure. Crying has a calming effect on people. Studies have explained how crying activates the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which helps people not only relax, but crying also calms the body and relaxes oxytocin and endorphins. Because of these hormones make people feel good and can ease both physical and emotional pain. In this way, crying can help reduce pain and promote feelings of well-being.

Photo: Pexels

Crying can improve your eyesight

How do you feel after a busy day when you don't have a chance to drink a lot of water? You're probably pretty thirsty and maybe a little dehydrated. Our bodies need water to sustain us and help us stay hydrated. Our eyes are not much different from the rest of the body - the eyes also need water to stay hydrated. When we cry, we really help eye rehydration, which can help increase our ability to focus our eyes and improve our overall vision.

Even crying can help clear our nose

Very few people realize this, but our tear ducts are actually connected to the inside of our nose. This means that when we cry, we have the same benefit of washing bacteria and irritants out of our nose as we do from our eyes.

Crying can strengthen our relationships with others

Yes, crying makes us feel more vulnerable and we often try to avoid crying in front of others at all costs. But when we can't take it anymore, we often feel embarrassed, but crying in front of others shouldn't be seen as something bad. When we cry in front of others, we show them ours vulnerable side. They can see our feelings and emotions in a way that no words can express. It can create that a deeper emotional bond between family, friends and partners.

Photo: Unsplash

So the next time you feel your lip quiver and your eyes well up, don't hold it in. Let it all out and enjoy all the benefits these tears have to offer.

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