
Why don't we need to exercise several hours a week to feel and look better?

Science reveals why you don't need to exercise for hours a week to feel better

January is a time when many people prioritize their bodies - if you want to become the best version of yourself, remember that it doesn't take a lot of effort. A little is enough to improve your well-being. And science answers how.

In accordance with recently published research it is enough if you exercise 13 minutes three times a week to improve your well-being. The researchers divided 34 fit men into three groups and given five, three or one set of exercises lasting 70, 40 and 13 minutes. Two month, three times a week, they performed the same exercises. They found that it was the end result was how men looked the same regardless of the number of minutes they exercised.

13 minutes three times a week is enough to improve your well-being.
13 minutes three times a week is enough to improve your well-being.

The results are also related to high-intensity slow training lasting 20 minutes, and after it you will feel like jelly. In the first series, you must give your best and get to the state, when you physically cannot do one more rep. For this to happen, you need to determine the appropriate weight of the weights and perform the exercises so slowly that your muscles will be completely exhausted.

Deep breathing stimulates the nervous system.
Deep breathing stimulates the nervous system.

It also plays an important role in improving well-being psychological well-being, which you can improve with exercises that will only take you two minutes a day. Deep breathing stimulates the nervous system, yes it lowers heart rate and blood pressure and increases alpha brain wavese participating inrelaxation.

Devote yourself once or twice a day breathing, namely hold your breath (four seconds), then exhale (eight seconds). This habit is supposed to prevent that turned on your stress response.

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