
Why should you treat your partner as a stranger for a better relationship in the bedroom?


Photo: Unsplash / Kiril Suntsov

Have you ever thought that your relationship with your partner could be improved by small gestures that we usually give to strangers? It might sound funny, but there might be some truth to it!

Couples who have been together for a long time may not think of thanking their partner for taking out the trash or holding the door. But, haven't you said "thank you" to a stranger for such things? Ironic, isn't it? Sometimes it seems that over time we forget the small gestures that can make a big difference. Why you should treat your partner as a stranger?!

An ideal scenario for a connected evening:

Arrival home: When you get home, instead of jumping right back into your normal routines, stop and sincerely thank your partner for everything they've done that day. Maybe he made dinner or took care of the kids. Show that you appreciate his efforts.

Dinner together: Focus on your partner during dinner. Ask questions as if you were meeting him on a first date. This can make for fresh and interesting conversations. You should treat it as a stranger.

Relaxing bath: Prepare a bath for two. Add some relaxing salts and candles. It's a great way to bond and unwind after a busy day.

Some time for two: After the bath, take time to watch a movie or listen to music. Pick something you both enjoy and let yourself be in the moment.

Bedtime Talk: Before falling asleep, take a few minutes to talk. Share your thoughts, feelings and plans for the future. It's a great way to connect on a deeper level.

So why not try something new? The next time your partner does something kind, show them a little more appreciation. You might be surprised by the result! Therefore, you should treat your partner as a stranger!

And if you're wondering how this affects your relationship in the bedroom – well, you might just have to try it yourself and find out!

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