
Why shouldn't you drink coffee or tea on the plane?

A cup of coffee at 11,000 meters can be something you will regret.

Tea or coffee? This is probably the most frequently asked question on a plane. Remember how you are happy, when you drink a cup coffee in the sky but if you consider the words of an anonymous airline employee, which is for Business Insider talked about the poor quality of the water on the plane, you may want to limit drinking coffee during the flight.

Consider drinking coffee on the plane.
Consider drinking coffee on the plane.

Flight attendants never do they drink hot water, coffee and tea, they reported. Tea and coffee on the plane are made with tap water, which is kept in a large tank. And with this tank they should be problems.

There are rules and regulations on how often to do so clean the tank. The problems are supposed to be that they are unclean tankers a place for salmonella, insect eggs and coliform bacteria, which are more commonly found in human feces.

There are rules about how often tanks should be cleaned.
There are rules about how often tanks should be cleaned.

AFA-CWA, the American Federation of Airmen, believes that it is not enough to be 'water on board' only regulated within the framework of the environmental protection agency. 15 years ago they worked for a regulation that gives air carriers a wide discretion about how often they have to test the water and flush the tanks. AFA does not believe that this regulation sufficiently established.

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