
Why do young people indulge less and less in sexual pleasures?

If we look around, we can see that we have more and more options for sexuality. Taboos are slowly but steadily being dismantled, sex before marriage has been quite normal, even desirable for a long time, and there are more and more simple ways to have sex, even if you are not in a relationship. Despite everything, there is a "sexual recession" in the Western world. And the question that remains is why do young people indulge less in sexual pleasures?

Why do young people indulge less in sexual pleasures? Logical thinking tells us that this, with all flooding applications, which enable easy contact with another person, relaxation of taboos before practicing diverse sexual practices and options education and conversation about sexuality, it's almost impossible. Despite all this, American teenagers and young adults are less likely to indulge in sexual pleasures. From 1997 to 2017, the number of sexually active high school students in America dropped from 54 % to 40 %. If this means fewer unwanted pregnancies, more caution when choosing a sexual partner, and entering sexuality for the right reasons, such a drop in sexually active teenagers is good news. However, the real reason for the lack of sexuality is probably a bit darker, and the consequences are not all good either.

Young people often want this kind of relationship
Young people often want this kind of relationship

One of the important reasons, why young people are having less sex is that the vast majority of young adults under the age of 35 does not have a partner. It is very likely that it is sex recession only the result of an epidemic inability to form intimate relationships. The fast pace of life and the promotion of immediate satisfaction of needs, among other things, also contribute to the fact that people we know and want to invest in relationships less and less, which are in the long run, one of the most important factors of happiness and, ultimately, a healthy life. The latter was also confirmed by the celebrity A Harvard study, where they followed several individuals for about 70 years and tried to find out what is the key to a long and happy life - the answer is simply a sufficient number of loving, intimate relationships. So what is the solution to all these problems? For sure more sex, but one that has at least a certain measure at its core intimacy and connection between two individuals.

According to data, sexual activity among young people is declining
According to data, sexual activity among young people is declining

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