
Will I ever find love? 13 Important Life Lessons No One Told You

Photo: IG humanlovers

Will you ever find love?

It is natural that you are concerned about this. After all, you are human and have a need to love and be loved. You have been hurt so many times and you wonder: "Will I ever find love again or will I be alone?"

Read on for some reminders that will change your perspective on life.

1. One day everything will make sense

Now, when you feel like you've reached a dead end, it's natural to think that everything you've experienced so far is completely pointless.

Why did you have to go through all this heartache? Why did all your exes hurt you when you did nothing wrong? Why did you have to fall madly in love with that man or woman if they were never meant to end up together?

So many unanswered questions. It's not about envying anyone, but when you look at your friends, you're a real angel compared to them. You never cheated, you were always faithful to your partners and you never broke anyone's heart.

You forgot that everything happens for a reason. Maybe you had to experience all that pain in order to appreciate the joy even more. Maybe you were destined to meet all those toxic men or women so that you can appreciate the right person to be by your side.

It is possible that you had to see how people can change in order to have the opportunity to learn how to let them go. Maybe to understand that there are things to be thankful for despite all the bad things that have been going on.

Maybe through all those past relationships you had to realize how strong you really are. If it weren't for all these heartaches, you would never know what you can endure?

One day all the pieces of the puzzle called your life will come together.

2. Romantic love isn't all there is

When you wonder if you'll ever find love, you tend to imagine only romance, as if romantic love is all there is. You are wrong, there are many other types of love.

First there is your family, your friends. Just look around you and you will see at least a few people who love you no matter what. People you can count on.
Actually, it doesn't have to be plural. It is more than enough that there will be only one person in the world who fits this description.

Love is all around you - you just have to look carefully.

Be grateful for all the love you get. There is much to be thankful for. Instead of focusing on what you have - you worry about the only kind of love you don't have. Interesting, isn't it?

3. Your greatest responsibility is to love yourself

The most important love there is is the love you give yourself. Many people who cannot find romantic love automatically assume that no one loves them and stop loving themselves as a result.

They start to wonder, why am I not enough? What's wrong with me? Am I not attractive enough? Smart or interesting enough? Why should I love myself if no one else loves me?

This is your number one mistake.

So if you meet a man or woman and show them a lack of self-love, they will follow you. You won't have to put in much effort to convince them that there is nothing to love about you and they will believe you right away.

If you show someone that you don't respect yourself, they won't do the same. If you show them you don't think you're worthy - they won't see your worth either.

Your greatest responsibility is to love yourself before others. The relationship you have with yourself is a priority. If you know this, it will not surprise you that you are your priority.

Whether you admit it or not, people will come and go in your life. This is life, the fates have different paths planned for you. Anyone can leave you except yourself. You are the only being that will stay with you.

After all, you have no choice - there's no way to get away from yourself when you don't like something.

4. You deserve the kind of love you would give to someone else

For as long as you can remember, you have always been the one who loves more. Most of your relationships wouldn't last this long if you didn't try so hard. You feel used and exhausted from everything.

You feel like you have no energy left. You tried too hard in relationships that were doomed to fail. But the worst thing is that they did not return your affection to the extent that you gave it.

It seems to you that everything was in vain, and you do not plan to repeat the same mistakes. The last thing you want is another relationship where you are the over-giver. A relationship where you are the one who keeps pushing things forward without the other person budging an inch.

You can't help but feel like you've been there - alone - in most relationships. Instead of fighting side by side with your partner, you had to fight against them most of the time.

You deserve all the love you constantly give to everyone else. Once you understand this, you will never settle for anything less. You will meet your soul mate. Someone who will love you deeply, and who will never hide any part of himself.

You will meet someone who will not make you feel emotionally neglected and unloved. All the positive energy and love you have given to the world will find its way to you.

Don't build walls just because you ran into someone who didn't see the extent of your heart. Instead, you move on. The universe and karma will reward you for all your hard work.

5. You are never too old and it is never too late

Who told you that love has an age limit? Sometimes people seem to give up on finding love after a certain time. As if romance is only reserved for the twenties or thirties. And by the time they hit their forties or beyond, they act like they have to catch their last chance at love.

As if they will cease to exist after a certain age. You wont. Indeed, there are countless examples of people who have found the love of their lives in retirement homes. There is no guarantee that relationships that begin in your twenties or thirties will be more successful. Rather the other way around.

As you get older, you carry a lot of emotional baggage with you. But you know exactly what you're looking for. If not, at least you know what you don't want, and it's a lot more than the knowledge you had when you were younger.

Remember - it's never too late and you're never too old to love.

6. Every time you get rejected, you're moved on to something better

When a person rejects you, your ego is hurt. You can't help but wonder what's wrong. You question your worth, your ability to attract the opposite sex, and your future.

Try to see rejection as a blessing. What if you are rejected for a reason? What if it was an alien way of life that shifted you to something much better? What if you were destined for greater things?

Maybe you would be unhappy around that person. Or you might end up trapped in that relationship and miss the chance to meet your true one.

You'll always know you tried. You will know that you gave your all and did everything in your power to make this person yours. Not everyone will chase you "What if..." or "I should…" You saw an opportunity and took it. The truth is that it didn't work out the way you planned, but that doesn't mean it didn't work out for the best in the long run.

Instead of letting this experience destroy your self-esteem, you should feel proud. You had enough courage to open your heart to someone. Rejection is not personal. Remember that different people will reject you for different reasons.

First of all, everyone has the right to choose who they will be with. If they turn down an opportunity, it doesn't mean they don't love you. Maybe they aren't ready for a relationship right now. Maybe they enjoy the single life. Or they have some unresolved issues from the past and are honest enough not to drag you into their mess.

Or they just aren't for you. It doesn't make you any less valuable. Just because one person doesn't like you or you're not attractive to them doesn't mean you're not beautiful.

Remember that we all have our own tastes and preferences, and if someone doesn't see you as a suitable person - for whatever reason - don't take it as an insult. Instead, respect their decisions and move on.

7. What is meant to be will always find a way

If you still haven't found the love you're looking for, one thing is certain; the love meant for you is still looking for you.

There is no point in forcing anything. You cannot lose what is not truly yours, nor can you gain what is not destined to be yours. You may find love tomorrow, or it may happen in a decade. Anyway, it will come in due time.

You can't catch her or run away from her. Whoever is meant for you will always find a way. You and your soulmate will meet and nothing or anyone can stop that from happening.

Even when it seems impossible and even when all seems lost - what was supposed to be yours will end up in your hands. There's no point in thinking too much. You can't be a passive observer, but there's also no point in being too deliberate in a relationship.

8. The universe has a plan for you

Patience is the key to success, take your time. It knows much more than you and will give you what is right to have. He has a plan for each of us. It's just that sometimes we don't understand her intentions.

We've all been there, in a situation where we think we've reached a breaking point. You see no way out. You think of a million solutions, but none of them give you hope that there is a better tomorrow.

Then the universe will save you. It gave you exactly as much as you could take. It tested you and put you in front of many obstacles. That's because it had much better things and people in store for you all along.

The universe won't give you what you want - it will give you what you need. You are only human. It means that there are some things that are beyond your understanding and you will have to deal with them.

9. Nothing goes away until it teaches you a lesson

After all those failures and wrong decisions, you ask yourself: When will my bad luck in love disappear? What would have to happen to get your share of happiness? When will this cycle of heartache finally stop? When will you get the strength to finally end all relationships with this man or woman who doesn't deserve you?

When will you move on with your life and when will your broken heart heal? When will you get over this toxic person? All this pain will go away when you learn something from it.

Nothing ever goes away until it teaches you a lesson. First of all, you have to learn that you are not dependent on anyone. You also need to learn to value yourself.

Every toxic person in your life served a purpose. So, don't look at them as your defeat, but as a path to happiness.

Lessons leave indelible scars on your heart and soul, and some change you forever. But these are the only lessons you will remember as long as you breathe.

10. You feel like everyone is in a relationship

When you look around, you feel like you're the only person you know who isn't in a relationship. It seems to you that all your friends, colleagues and acquaintances are in serious, long-term relationships.

Every time you check your social media feeds, you only see couples happily in love. You feel like an outcast. How is it possible that the only one who can't find a perfect match with someone?

Focus on the things you long for. Right now, you are so obsessed with having a loving relationship that it has become the only thing on your mind. You don't notice all the breakups and divorces around you. You don't notice the single men and women around you. Instead, you only see what you can't have.

11. Maybe you're looking for the wrong kind of love

What kind of love are you looking for? Could you idealize the concept of love and soulmates? Distinguish between real life and fairy tales? Your love story doesn't have to be like in movies or novels.

The love of the soul is usually not a roller coaster of emotions, but is calm. Do not confuse true love with infatuation and butterflies, because in most cases they have nothing in common. In fact, these bow ties are usually just a passion. It's not love - it's the feeling of never knowing where you stand. It is the anticipation of what will happen.

True love will never feel like this. Instead, she will feel at home. When you love someone, it brings you an incredible peace that you have never experienced before. True love is not perfect.

Every relationship will have its share of turmoil. There will be disagreements and arguments. Your partner will annoy you from time to time and some of their habits will annoy you. After all, you are not perfect and neither are they. So how can you expect your relationship to be flawless?

12. Your happiness starts with you

Do you think every problem you have will disappear the moment you meet the right person? It won't, this person isn't walking around with a magic wand that will change everything.

But it's true that all your problems will seem much more bearable. The sleepless nights will be much less lonely, but they won't bring the sun. This is your job, because your happiness starts with you.

If you're not happy with your single life, you won't be happy in a relationship either. The steering wheel is only in your hands. Take responsibility whether you like it or not.

The bottom line is that you have to do things yourself in life instead of expecting someone else to do it for you. Otherwise, you will always be disappointed.

The end of your relationship is not and should not be the end of your world. Instead, it's actually an opportunity for a fresh start. An opportunity to take life into your own hands and it's an opportunity you should seize.

13. Being single is an opportunity to live your life on your own terms

There is nothing wrong with being single. This doesn't mean you have to be lonely and desperate. This does not mean that your life will lose its meaning. You may indeed be happier if you find the right man or woman, but - you are the one who holds the keys to your own happiness.

When you're in a relationship, you're part of a team. In a healthy relationship, you do not lose your individuality, you become part of a team, a couple, and you will have to find a balance in the relationship. From this point on, you can't make any key decisions on your own, but you'll have to adapt and meet halfway on most everything.

Many men and women get involved in new relationships for all the wrong reasons. Sometimes you're just tired of being the only one without a partner, so you jump into a relationship with the first person that comes along.

You don't think or analyze whether they are a good match and you don't really have any feelings for them. Instead, think of it as your last chance at luck and stick with it.

Basically, you turn into a last straw person so she won't be alone. You stay in a relationship you never really wanted. With someone you never really loved.

When this happens, you have two options. You can stay where you are and let life go by, or you can finish things on time. If you choose the first, realize that you will spend every day of your life as if you are suffocating.

No matter what happens, don't make finding love your only obsession. Remember - whatever you're chasing runs away from you. Relax and enjoy every precious moment you live and in the meantime be patient and wait for love.

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