
Will your love last forever? 4 questions that reveal its long-term strength

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Wondering if your relationship is long-term or has a limited shelf life? These questions will help you with that.

When a relationship grows beyond initial infatuation, you often start asking questions like “Is she yours union long-term?” Indeed, the future can be uncertain, but planning brings some security into a relationship. Here are four key questions a couple should ask themselves to determine if their relationship is ready for the long haul.

Do you both really want this?

The first question you need to ask yourself is whether you both really want a future together. Often people stay in a relationship out of convenience or fear of loneliness, rather than a genuine desire to live together. It is important to have an honest conversation about your expectations and goals for the future. Do you both want marriage, children, a life together? Do you have similar ideas about what your life together should look like? Only if both of you really want to build on the relationship, you can trust in a successful joint future.

Photo: Unsplash/Octavio Fossati

Can they trust each other?

Trust is the foundation of any long-lasting relationship. Without trust, it is difficult to build a solid and stable connection. Have you proven in the past that you can trust each other? Are they able to communicate openly and without fear of judgment? Harmony means that you are aware of and understand each other's emotional needs. Can they connect on a deeper level and support each other through difficult times? These are two important components for long-term relationships.

Are you both comfortable in each other's company?

Being in a relationship means being with a partner who makes you feel at home and comfortable. Can they relax when they are together? Can they honestly be who they are? Do you feel safe and loved when you are together? A sense of home is crucial for a long-lasting relationship, as it allows partners to connect on a deeper level and support each other through life's various challenges.

Photo: Unsplash/Caleb Ekeroth

Can your relationship handle disappointment?

Every relationship faces challenges and disappointments. It is important that both partners know how to face these moments and overcome them together. Can you talk about your problems and solve them in a constructive way? Are you able to accept that not everything is always perfect and that compromises are part of a long-term relationship? The ability to manage disappointments and resolve conflicts is crucial for a solid and stable relationship.


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