
Wineist - A small package of great wines


Wineist is a wine experience that brings six different premium wines to your home each month, connected by a chosen theme.

Slovenian startup OOSM recently presented the project Wineist, which was described as follows: "Wineist is a member of the Wineism movement - the era of wine - he is a wine enthusiast, enthusiast and lover of wine. Connoisseur or amateur, without prejudice.”

Wineist works according to the example from abroad and every month packs six mini-bottles (0.5 dcl) of premium wines in a pretty box and brings them directly from the wine cellar to your home. Wines are selected by wine connoisseurs and sommeliers, who come from prominent educational and research institutions in Ljubljana, Vienna and Munich. The experts choose a theme every month, and within it they prepare a package of new wines from all over the world, each one has its own story and each wine is chosen for a reason. Some are classic, others are quite interesting, among them we can also find blue or orange wine. Each shipment is accompanied by a brochure with information about each wine and a description of the tasting. If a particular wine suits us, Wineist can also deliver a larger quantity.

In the modern working pace, when there are not enough weekends, and the week is completely filled with obligations already on Sunday, it is not very often possible to go to wine cellars and taste new wines. Mainly because of that Wineist sounds like a welcome idea, both for wine connoisseurs and for those who are just getting to know the culture of wine drinking. You can order a wine adventure right from the comfort of your armchair, and the monthly shipment costs a cent less than thirty euros.

Wineist is a wonderful reason to hang out. Because wine is drunk in company and because it's always fun to research, taste and enjoy new flavors.

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