
Wise advice from women who were unlucky in love

Photo: evanto

You have to be lucky to love! But also to know some key things. This is advised by women who have never been lucky in love. These are their lessons!

Women are often disappointed by their experiences with potential partners. Even if they try and fight so that they too can taste the charms of a partner relationship, they think yes men don't treat them like that, as they think, that they deserve.

And they forget that a successful relationship sometimes has nothing to do with the partners, but by their own actions that affect the development of the situation. Every woman should first to recognize one's own role in the partnership relationship!

Advice from women who have never been lucky in love:

Don't feel sorry for yourself. No one likes the company of a person who worries and feels sorry for himself. People are attracted to people who have confidence, life and joy. The company of a person who is negative is comforting. Change this bad habit and eventually you will see that people will perceive you differently.

Don't cry for a man. It is much easier to think than to actually implement certain attitudes. However! No one is worth your tears. There are people who have not treated you well, so they are not worthy of your attention. By crying and thinking, you only make them more important, which makes you feel even worse.
If you improve your self-confidence, you will soon be able to build a relationship with someone who will respect you. Otherwise, you will always meet the same profile of men who will only have a different name. Do you really want this?

Didn't think about the final exit.
Didn't think about the final exit.

Be mysterious. You have to be secretive in a relationship. You can't reveal everything at the beginning of a relationship. If you think after a week that he's the one for you, don't tell him. Take it slow because a week is not enough time to know if he is a partner for life.

It only invests 30 % effort at the start. 
This method may seem harsh, but it's worth a try. In the beginning, it is best to be moderate, because later you can offer him much more than he expected.

Show him you have a life of your own. Do not be a dog that responds to every command of the owner. If he asks you out on a date, pretend that you don't have time and show him that you have your own life and are a busy woman. Let him plan things in advance if he wants to have your time.

Don't be annoying with messages and calls. At the beginning of the relationship, you will probably talk and text each other a lot, which is fine, but don't hold back. Getting ahead of yourself can cost you the relationship. Keep in mind the previous rule: you have your own life, you're busy and you're not just waiting for him to text you.

Show him you have a life of your own.
Show him you have a life of your own.

Physical contact is your decision. You are the one who decides about your body and respects yourself. You must not succumb to his influence! If you keep to yourself and are not ready for physical contact. That has to be your decision. All people love a challenge!

Didn't think about the final exit. At the beginning of a relationship, some women worry about whether they are pretty enough, fun enough, attractive enough... do they even like the man they are dating.

Sometimes, some things just aren't meant to be. Make dating your entertainment - if it pays off, great, if not, move on. If you are not destined, it is not the end of the world, nor a sign that something is wrong with you. You just have to show the right person that you are worthy of their respect. If you don't respect yourself, it will be difficult for others to respect you. Your concern should not be whether a man wants you or not, but whether you want him.

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