
With this homemade spray, you will get rid of ironing for good!

Create a homemade spray with three ingredients!

Photo: envato

Doing household chores like ironing often takes a lot of time and effort, which most people don't enjoy in the least. But there's an amazing trick shared on Instagram by a mom named Shantel Mila that promises you'll never have to deal with ironing again. With this simple homemade spray, you can straighten your clothes in just five minutes.

So how to live without ironing? Shantel revealed that you only need three ingredients for this miracle trick, which you're sure to already have at home. You need two cups of water, a tablespoon of alcohol vinegar to soften clothes and a spoonful of hair conditioner, which will help soften the fibers of the material to make it easier to straighten. You simply mix these three ingredients in a spray bottle and then spray evenly on your crumpled clothes. Then straighten and straighten the clothes slightly and hang them on a hanger. Let the clothes sit for five minutes to effectively straighten them - and that's it!

Photo: envato

Shantel shared her revolutionary trick in a video that went viral on social media. She said that this method is especially convenient when traveling or in situations where you don't have much time in the morning to iron the clothes you plan to wear to work.

This amazing trick was met with enthusiasm by many users who identified with how hard it is to iron clothes. “I have to try this! As a terribly lazy person, I always avoid ironing," commented one user who had already seen Shantel's video.

With this simple home spray, you will be able to save time, energy and get rid of annoying ironing. Follow Shantel's advice and enjoy flat ironed clothes without using an iron.

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